The department offers a program for undergraduate and graduate studies and links between economic theory and its applications in the field of agriculture, which constitutes a mainstay for the college in studying agricultural problems and finding appropriate solutions to them through the development of appropriate agricultural policies
By passing all courses, the graduate will be able to:
1- Using knowledge and skills in the field of agricultural economics.
2- Allocating agricultural resources, facilities and projects to serve the economic, social and agricultural issues of society.
3- Employ communication skills and scientific research in the field of agricultural economics.
4- Proposing a number of programs to raise the efficiency of work in the field of scientific research with various relevant authorities.
5 - Participation in the development and continuous improvement in the field of agricultural economics.
By completing all requirements for success in the program, the graduate will be able to:a. Knowledge & understandinga.
1 Learn about theories, methods and data analysis to solve agricultural problems in the field of agricultural economics
.A.2 It defines technical methods and various agricultural processes and their applications from an economic point of view.a.
3 Describes the factors responsible for the price changes of production inputs and agricultural products.A.
4 Compares statistical programs and different methods to estimate the relationships between variables in the field of agricultural economics.a.
5 It reviews the appropriate methods for making economic decisions regarding the optimal use of agricultural resources that achieve maximizing returns from agricultural activities and the ability to make production, consumption and marketing decisions for agricultural commodities.B. Mental skills
B 1 It links the social and economic factors that achieve the technical and economic efficiency of the agricultural establishment.
B.2 Compares the various alternatives to achieve the objectives of the agricultural establishments and sectors.
B.3 Analyzes marketing problems for agricultural projects and businesses.
B.4 Deduce the factors causing the price changes of production and its requirements at the micro and macro levels.B.5 Suggests appropriate methods for making agricultural production and marketing decisions.
C. Practical & professional skills
C.1 Participates in laying the scientific foundations in the field of agricultural economics and other related sciences.
C.2 Distinguish between the basic elements and items of the initial budget for agricultural projects and activities
C.3 The statistical and economic analysis of the local market is used to plan and develop the agricultural sector
C.4 Employ available statistical programs to analyze and determine the optimal use of agricultural resources to achieve sustainable agricultural development
C.5 Develops a proposal for a set of economic policies and how to apply them in the field of agriculture.
D. Generic and transferable skills
d.1 He communicates with others to exchange opinions and ideas
D.2 Computer programs are used in analyzing and presenting data, writing reports and research.
d.3 He works within an integrated work team and reviews his capabilities and abilities in his field of specialization
d.4 Adheres to work ethics
d.5 Adheres to the specified time
Certificate Rewarded
Bachelor of Agricultural Science majoring in Agricultural Economics
Entry Reuirements
For admission to the Bachelor `s degree at the Faculty of Agriculture, the following is required:
1. The academic grade of the student in the previous educational stage of the program must be at least good.
2. The student should undergo an admission test and a personal interview (if the institution deems it).
3. General Scientific Certificate of Secondary Education or Certificate of agricultural high schools and institutes.
4. Fluency in Arabic for non-native speakers.
5. In the case of any change in the admission requirements, the new requirements will apply to new applicants only.
Study Plan
The Bachelor in Agriculture Economic prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Agriculture Economic. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.
It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 148 units, which include 47 units of general subjects, and 57 major units, 17 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.
Study plan for this program is shown below:
1st Semester
Code | Title | Credits | Course Type | Prerequisite |
PH 1123 | 03 | General | + |
MA1113 | 03 | General | + |
CH1014 | General Chemistry 1 | 04 | University requirement | + |
AE 1004 | 04 | General | + |
BO 1014 | 04 | General | + |
2nd Semester
Code | Title | Credits | Course Type | Prerequisite |
1012 EL | 02 | General | + |
1021 CH | 01 | General | + |
1023 CH | 03 | General | Ch 1014 | + |
1012 AR | 02 | General | + |
3rd Semester
Code | Title | Credits | Course Type | Prerequisite |
AE1503 | Agricultural Economics | 03 | Compulsory | + |
A specialized course that teaches 3 hours per week. It includes an introduction to agricultural economics and its branches, and identification of economic and agricultural activity and its main objectives. In addition to explaining applications about the theory of demand and supply, and studying some branches of agricultural economics represented in studying the theories of production possibilities, agricultural production economics, agricultural development, agricultural resources, agricultural cooperation, and agricultural marketing.
4th Semester
Code | Title | Credits | Course Type | Prerequisite |
AE3683 | Agricultural Extension | 03 | Compulsory | + |
The concept of agricultural extension, its origin and development, its philosophy, principles and objectives, and the most important public extension systems in the world. The role of agricultural extension in economic and social development. Communication process and methods of delivering information to farmers. Characteristics of workers in the extension apparatus. Planning, implementation and evaluation of extension programs. The process of farmers adopting modern scientific ideas and methods, the role of extension in achieving sustainable agricultural development and preserving. Natural agricultural resources and their conservation
5th Semester
Code | Title | Credits | Course Type | Prerequisite |
AE2043 | Agricultural cooperation | 03 | Compulsory | + |
AE3673 | Rural Community | 03 | Compulsory | + |
AE2053 | Macroeconomics | 03 | Compulsory | + |
AE2013 | Microeconomics | 03 | Compulsory | + |
6th Semester
Code | Title | Credits | Course Type | Prerequisite |
AE2533 | Agricultural Accounting | 03 | Compulsory | + |
AE 3033 | Farm Management | 03 | Compulsory | + |
This course provides students with tools needed to measure management performance and financial condition of the farm business. It develops decision-making skills in planning, organizing, directing and controlling farm business. Topics such as farm recordkeeping and accounting system, financial statement analysis, investment analysis, crop and livestock enterprise budgeting and analysis, and machinery management are discussed.
AE 2033 | Agricultural Marketing | 03 | Compulsory | + |
Agricultural Marketing as one of the specialized courses is concerned with studying the concept and importance of agricultural marketing and its role in the agricultural development process, the areas facing agricultural marketing, its objectives, and the marketing problems facing farms, and also studies the economic benefits of agricultural marketing through the study of research methods and the study of agricultural marketing, which includes the commodity approach that is concerned with studying the demand and supply for agricultural products. And the functional approach related to the functions and marketing services that are performed on agricultural commodities, as well as the institutional approach concerned with the study of agricultural marketing channels and merchants and brokers working in agricultural markets, as well as the study of marketing margins and differences and their impact on the efficiency of the agricultural marketing system, and the intervention of the state through agricultural marketing policies to achieve the economic and social objectives of agricultural marketing. In addition to an applied study on the markets of some agricultural commodities in Libya.
أ.ز3583 | Econometrics | 03 | Compulsory | + |
This course provides the knowledge concept of econometrics, its historical development, and its relationship to other sciences, in addition to the concept of the economic model in terms of its components and types, as well as the linear and non-linear model, the characteristics of least square method , testing hypotheses and time-lagging variables,their function and reasons for the existing ,a glimpse into the problems of estimating the model using the its least square method,,and the most important tests used in the model and how to apply its solution.
7th Semester
Code | Title | Credits | Course Type | Prerequisite |
AE3083 | Agricultural Projects Evaluation | 03 | Compulsory | + |
Introducing the project, its components and types of investment projects, especially agricultural projects, carrying out marketing studies, studying the social, economic and political environment of the project, studying the most important stages of preparing the project’s economic, financial and financing feasibility, studying methods of predicting demand for the project’s products, studying the economic planning of projects and their impact on national income, with conducting Financial and commercial evaluation of agricultural projects (commercial profitability), evaluation of projects in light of risk and uncertainty, economic evaluation of investment projects according to national profitability, evaluation of investment projects after implementation (existing projects
AE3213 | Agricultural policy | 03 | Compulsory | + |
The course explains the theoretical framework of economic policy and agricultural economic policy by studying the concept, philosophy and objectives of agricultural policies and their role in economic development, the tools of state intervention in the agricultural sector, the anus and analysis of the types of agricultural policies, which include price policy, marketing policy, investment policy, land and water resources policy, agricultural technology policy, its objectives, mechanisms of criticism, and scientific methods used to assess their effects on agricultural production.
AE 3533 | Agricultural Development | 03 | Compulsory | + |
AE3922 | Research Methods | 03 | Compulsory | + |
3093 AE | Quantitative Analysis | 03 | Compulsory | + |
8th Semester
Code | Title | Credits | Course Type | Prerequisite |
AE3653 | Agricultural Resources of Economies | 03 | Compulsory | + |
If the student succeeds in the course the student will be able to use economic analysis to describe resources in general, identify agricultural resources their characteristics classifications and uses, discusses the economic characteristics of agricultural resources in Libya , and define the concept of sustainability and the preservation of natural resources and vegetation cover, Economic resources their types, Characteristics of and agricultural workforce, Human resources and agricultural workforce Terrestrial resources Water resources , the reality of agricultural economic resources in Libya and their evaluation, knowledge desertification and methods of preserving and sustaining vegetation cover, as well as knowledge of methods of preserving agricultural economic resources and methods of their developing .
AE 3053 | Agricultural Production of Economics | 03 | Compulsory | + |
3063 AE | Factory Management | 03 | Compulsory | + |