Bachelor in Food Science and Technology

University of Tripoli - Department of Food Science and Technology



The Department of Food Sciences was established in the academic year 1963/1964 as one of the departments of the College of Higher Technical Studies (currently the College of Engineering) under the name of Food Technology. College of Engineering. After transferring the affiliation of the administrative and academic department to the College of Agriculture in the academic year 1971/1972, it changed its name and became known as the Department of Food Sciences, then the name was changed to the Department of Food Science and Technology in 2015. The department now occupies a distinguished position among the departments of the college due to the strategic importance of preserving and manufacturing agricultural food products From a food, nutritional, health and economic perspective. Graduates of the department play an important role in various institutions related to food and nutrition in keeping with the agricultural and industrial recovery in the country. It is also the first department in the college where all faculty members are Libyans since the academic year 1982/1983.


By passing all courses, the graduate will be able to:

1.       Clarify nutritional significance, nutrition, microbial and chemical quality.

2.       Applying food management, quality and safety systems in manufacturing processes to protect the health of consumers and to ensure that fair practices are followed in food trade.

3.      Determine the devices and methods of quantitative and qualitative analysis suitable for each food item.

4.       Employing practical research skills and acquired studies in setting standards and providing technical solutions and consultations related to the food industry and technology to research centers and food factories.

5.       Participate in developing the necessary skills to develop food products in line with consumer desires and food health and safety.


By completing all requirements for success in the program, the graduate will be able to:

a.  Knowledge & understand

 Learn about the chemical composition of foodstuffs and the types of microorganisms that can be found in them


 Explains the scientific foundations of food preservation, manufacture and safety.


 List the types of quantitative and qualitative analyzes of food using natural and chemical methods


 Writes down technical scientific reports on the results of laboratory tests in food factories.


 Mention the best ways to improve food products in line with consumer desires and food health and safety.


b.   Mental skills

 Compares chemical composition, nutritional significance, and causes of food spoilage and foodborne disease outbreaks.

b 1

 Analyze the effect of different food processing and preservation methods on the nutritional value of some foods.


 Compare quantitative and qualitative analysis methods for food.


   Links the various research fields related to the food industry.


  Modify traditional food products.


c.  practical & professional skills

 Develops a scheme to study the nutritional status of the community and diseases of malnutrition.


 Collects quality requirements for various food products and matches them with standard specifications.


 It applies sensory, chemical, physical and microbial tests.


 Analyzes and explains in a scientific and logical manner.


  Develops new food products from different food sources through innovation and development in the areas of food engineering.


d.  Generic and transferable skills

 Works within a team


 Communicates with others for the purpose of exchanging ideas and respecting different opinions.


 Adheres to work ethics


 Technical communication is used in the research


 Adheres to the specified time.



Certificate Rewarded

  • Bachelor of Agricultural Sciences, majoring in Food Science and Technology

Entry Reuirements

For admission to the Bachelor `s degree at the Faculty of Agriculture, the following is required:

1. The academic grade of the student in the previous educational stage of the program must be at least good.

2. The student should undergo an admission test and a personal interview (if the institution deems it).

3. General Scientific Certificate of Secondary Education or Certificate of agricultural high schools and institutes.

4. Fluency in Arabic for non-native speakers.

5. In the case of any change in the admission requirements, the new requirements will apply to new applicants only.

Study Plan

The Bachelor in Food Science and Technology prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Food Science and Technology. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 143 units, which include 42 units of general subjects, and 37 major units, 22 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
PH 1123 03 General +

MA 1113 03 General +

CH 1014 04 General +

BO 1014 04 General +

AE 1004 04 General +

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
1024 BO 04 General Bo 1014 +

1021 CH 01 General +

1012 AR 02 General +

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
FT3763 Non-Alcoholic Beverage Technology 03 Elective FT2524 +

Detailed definition of non-alcoholic beverages of various types and basic raw materials. Simplification of calculations related to the preparation of solutions and concentrations. Developing knowledge of everything related to the preservation of juices, energy drinks and nutrition by thermal treatment. He gains practical experience by getting acquainted with the manufacturing equipment in the factory and through field visits to the beverage factories in the country. Specifies the type or special methods for manufacturing or developing any type of beverage and the most important raw materials needed.

Elective Subjects

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
FT2413 Food Engineering (2) 03 Compulsory +

Explains the different standard units and conversion between them related to food processing engineering. Determine the mathematical operations associated with food processing and thermal coefficients to interpret and solve them algebraically or represent them graphically using computer programs. Describe the tools needed in the various manufacturing processes to produce a high-quality product and keep abreast of the latest developments in the field of food engineering. Get acquainted with most of the food processing equipment in the laboratory in the pilot laboratory with field visits to the relevant food factories. He is aware of the requirements of manufacturing processes, their outputs, and the mechanism for resolving any issues related to them.

FT3743 Plant sanitation of food factories 03 Elective +

Explains the basic concepts of plant sanitation aspects of food factories and its development and connection with other sciences, requirements that must be provided in food processing and trading places, requirements for water used in food processing, specifications of water used, water sources, methods of treatment of water. difference between cleaning and disinfection, requirements of cleaning and disinfection materials used in sanitation, the different types of cleaning and disinfection materials, and the methods used in cleaning and disinfecting food factories. liquid and solid waste material in food industry , the methods used in waste treatment, method could be used to reduce of waste in food industry, types of insects and rodents could attack and present in food industry and the appropriate methods of control, the important of training of food handling on food safety and sanitary aspects of food factories, explain the role of plant sanitation on production quality (Laboratory projects) Distribution of microorganism in the air of food handling and processing Microbial contamination resulting from food processing and handling worker Some microbial and chemical tests of water

FT3733 Food Inspection 03 Elective +

Introduction to food inspection and its relationship to other sciences Explains the importance of food inspection for the consumer, the producing company, and to the economy, requirements that must be met by the food inspector, the duties of the food inspector, regulatory and legislative authorities in Libya and internationally for food. defines the important points in the control and inspection of food handling and processing places, the methods of inspection of raw materials, final product and storage of products, the responsibility of the food inspector in cases of food spoilage, planning and preparing for the inspection process, the points included in the food safety inspection form for food handling and processing places. food standard specifications, the importance of specification, and the conditions that must be met in food laboratories. Enumerate the types and methods of sampling and how to judge food spoilage upon inspection

FT3723 Quality control 03 not defined +

The food quality control course consists of four units. The first unit :( quality definitions, quality control and evaluation, quality standards,quality system, quality improvement). The second unit:( food quality attributes, appeared quality attributes, hidden quality attributes, methods for evaluation of food quality, subjective method and objective method). The third unit:(standard specification of food products, effect of quality standards, good manufacturing practice GMP, hazard analysis and critical control points HACCP).Unit four:(statistical methods defining food quality).

FT3674 Cereal chemistry and technology 04 Elective +

With success in the course, the student will be able to: 1. Explains the economic importance of grains and their natural and chemical composition. 2. Determine the types of crops with nutritional valueHe can make bread and pasta. Employ scientific evidence for practical tests related to theoretical lessons.He remembers the manufacturing operations that are carried out on grains, such as milling (all milling steps

FT3634 Meat, Poultry and Egg Technology 04 Elective FT2214 +

The economic importance and nutritional value of meat (red - white), composition and types of muscle and protein, changes that occur after the slaughter process and the impact of some factors on the quality of meat, the methods used to preserve it using methods and methods appropriate to the nature of this nutritional material. Egg confiscated chemical composition, nutritional value and importance

FT3583 Sugar Technology (FT3583) 03 not defined +

This course describes the definition of sugars, their primary sources, their chemical composition, and their importance. Definition of scientific and technical terms related to the sugar industry such as extraction, clarification, carbonation, purification, refining, crystallization, brix, purity. Sugar manufacturing steps starting from receiving the crop until packaging. Production of sugar solutions (such as concentrated glucose solutions, concentrated maltose, and glucose honey (corn syrup) and their various uses in the field of food processing. By-products of the sugar industry and its uses in the industry. Knowing the devices used to measure the percentage of sugar in the juices of sugary crops and to control the quality of the final product (Saccharo meter and Polari meter) and in measuring the percentage of solids, density and purity refractometer-Brix hydrometer.

FT3333 Industrial fermentation 03 Elective +

FT3124 food Analysis 02 Compulsory +

Quantitative and qualitative analysis to determine food components using natural and chemical methods or using devices, then statistically analyzing the results and discussing them in a scientific report Laboratory projects:The practical side is concerned with carrying out practical experiments within the food analysis laboratory according to modern scientific methods dealing with methods of preparing standard solutions and estimating food components (major: water - protein - fat - salts, and minor: such as vitamins, hormones, pesticide residues ....) by chemical and natural methods Or the use and use of devices in order to determine the nutritional value, identify the quality, and link it to basic standards and standards..............

FT2712 Food packaging 03 Compulsory FT2413 +

FT2561 Impact of Food Processing on the Nutritional Value 02 Elective FT2524 +

The course deals with a detailed explanation of all types of food processing processes and their most important effects on the nutritional value, giving a detailed and comprehensive overview of each food processing treatment and the degree of influence on some food components, then explaining the methods and tools necessary in the manufacturing processes to produce a high-quality product and preserve its nutritional value at a high rate. With the acquisition of practical experience by getting acquainted with the manufacturing devices in the pilot laboratory and operating them. And work significantly to link theoretical and practical lessons through field visits to food factories in the country.

FT2524 Food Preservation 04 Compulsory +

The course describes the concepts of food safety and spoiling; food refrigeration; food refrigeration methods; refrigeration load calculation, and refrigerated storage for food products; complementary transactions for food products before storage; compatibility in storing different products; food preservation by freezing; refrigerant load calculation for freezing food products; types of freezers; optimal conditions for storing frozen products; changes that occur to frozen products; the shelf life of the food products stored in freezers and how to estimate it; taking care of the cleanliness of the refrigeration and freezing stores; the concept of food preservation at high temperatures; pasteurization; commercial sterilization; methods for calculating the heat treatment of food cans; metal cans, the types of double locks; types of varnishes ; types of sterilizers; food canning steps; spoilage of canned food; the concept of food drying; the drying curve of food and the factors affecting it; types of drying equipment, pre-drying treatments; drying calculations; psychometric charts; changes during storage.

FT2423 03 Compulsory FT2413 +

The student will be able to: Manage available agricultural resources at the level of food processing. Uses technologies to adapt and address technical problems in food processing and preservation. Get acquainted with the tools and calculations necessary to complete the manufacturing operations with the required quality. Keeps abreast of modern technologies in the areas of food processing and sterilization, linking theory to practice in the laboratory and field visits. It enumerates methods for developing and manufacturing some foods, their outputs, and a mechanism for simplifying them in the future.

FT2314 Food Microbiology 04 Compulsory +

To provides insight of food microbiology and its historical development, and food-borne pathogens, toxins, and contaminants. An understanding the characterization and types of microorganisms that can be found in processed and unprocessed foods and their role in causing changes in the properties of the foods and their spoilage. To identify the factors that can affect growth and activity of microorganisms in food. Study the primary sources of food contamination with spoiling and pathogenic microorganisms. Describe the methods used to control and prevent or reduce the occurrence of contamination.

FT2214 Biochemstry 04 Elective +

يتم خلال دراسة مقرر الكيمياء الحيوية النظري تعريف الطالب بالكيمياء الحيوية، يتم دراسة المحاليل المنظمة والأس الهيدروجيني. دراسة الكربوهيدرات، الدهون والبروتينات: تركيبها، خصائصها الطبيعية، تصنيفها، تفاعلاتها ووظائفها. دراسة الأنزيمات، الاحماض النووية والفيتامينات: تركيبها وتصنيفها وخصائصها. الخلية ونشاطها: الأيض اللاهوائي للكربوهيدرات، دورة حمض ثلاثي الكربوكسيل، أيض الأحماض الدهنية والأحماض الأمينية والأمونيا، السلسلة التنفسية والتمثيل الضوئي.

FT2113 Food Chemistry 03 Compulsory +

This course deals with the employment of food chemistry and its relationship to the field of food science and technology and food industries. It also studies the composition of the water molecules, physical and chemical properties, and its importance in the biological system. It also shows the major and minor components and chemical reactions in different foods and their role in the field of food science and technology. It also explains the partial composition of the ingredients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) and their nutritional, health, and vital importance, and the interactions that occur with them during manufacturing and circulation processes. It also studies the importance of enzymes, vitamins, and some mineral elements and their role in the human body.

FT163312 Dairy Microbiology 02 Elective +

Microorganisms in raw, pasteurized, condensed and dried milk, and in other dairy products such as yoghurt, sour milk, cheese, butter, cream ice cream and quality control, and methods of controlling microorganisms associated with dairy and dairy products.

FT 4803 Fermented Dairy Products 03 Elective +

Characteristics and functions of lactic acid bacteria starter and their economic, nutritional and health importance. Probiotics and probiotics. Recent technical developments in the manufacture of different types of fermented milks and important cheeses in Libya. Studying the biochemical changes responsible for the formation of flavor and texture in these products, in addition to the standard specifications for these products and quality control methods.

FT 3772 Food Product Development 02 Elective +

This course involves going through the process of developing a new food product from Halal concept, through to market analysis, design, development and evaluation, and finally to market release. On successful completion of this course, students will gain a wide range of knowledge and skills that can be applied for the improvement or development of food products to satisfy consumers’ changing demands and to improve business related outcomes.

FT 2613 Oil and Fat Technology 03 Elective +

The course describes the basic components of oils and fats, sources and classification of oils and fats, their chemical and physical properties, their uses and importance in industry and nutrition. Methods of extracting oils and fats from their natural sources, purification and refining. Chemical and physical constants of oil and fats, and methods of identification, oxidation and the effect of heat and storage on oils and fats. Antioxidants. Manufacture of margarine and butter.

FT3752 Food Additives 02 Elective +

The course is considered one of the elective courses in the department with 2 credits. The course explains the basic and applied principles of food additives, explains the characteristics of food additives, their divisions, types, and importance. It lists food corruption factors and how to overcome them by using preservatives. It also identifies the regulating food legislation and the committees responsible for allowing food additives, the percentages of their addition, and the circumstances in which they are added at the international and regional levels. and sweetener, and finally determines the appropriate additive according to the type of lunch and its properties.

FT3971 Scientific Seminar 01 Compulsory +

The Seminar course discusses the methods and techniques that link the theoretical part with scientific research by training students to give an in-depth presentation of the subject of study through a professional seminar presentation. During this course, the student acquires several skills, including, but not limited to, how to choose the subject and title of the research, search for the subject of study from various scientific sources, choose research methods for the experiment to be designed, analyze and interpret research results, methods of writing abstract and references, and the skill of diction and presentation.

FT4333 Food Biotechnology 03 Elective +

The course presents, an idea about experimental design in the field of biotechnology, screening for new metabolites, strain improvement through mutation, protoplast fusion, and recombinant DNA technology. The development of bioreactor systems, and the recovery, separation, and purification processes of fermentation products. Principles and methods for production of selected biotechnology products: Microbial enzymes, single cell protein, single cell oil, microbial polysaccharides, alternative sweeteners, and flavour enhancers. The economic, health, ethics, and political aspects of biotechnology, especially in regards to the genetically modified foods.

FT4803 Dairy Technology 03 Elective +

Hygienic methods of raw milk production in farm. study of different heat treatments such as pasteurization, ultra-high temperature treatment and sterilization and their effect on milk components. Emphasis will also be placed on manufacturing of dairy products that are locally manufactured or consumed in large quantities in Libya such as reconstituted or recombined milk, High fat dairy Products, dried, concentrated and condensed milk, and ice cream. Standard specifications for these products.. (Laboratory projects