Bachelor in Design and performance techniques

University of Tripoli - Department of Dramatic Arts



This program grants a bachelor's degree in Design and performance techniques. After the student passes 65 credits, including general compulsory courses and elective courses in the Department of Dramatic Arts, during the first and second semesters, then the student begins studying Interior Design and Presentation Techniques. It is a specialization that aims to qualify and prepare specialized cadres in the field of decoration design and scenography, i.e. designing scenes and all their audio and visual elements. The specialized courses include 53 study units, through which the student studies everything related to decoration design and presentation techniques in various drama media.


  • To have obtained a high school diploma with a rate of no less than (65%), sixty-five percent of the total marks in all departments, provided that the prescribed entrance exams are taken.
  • To be able to pursue studies in his desired major.
  • Performing admission exams according to the privacy of the academic departments.


Knowledge & understanding
  • The student is introduced to the theoretical and practical foundations of decoration design and presentation techniques, and their use in developing design fields for dramatic works through its various media.
  • Recognizing the stages of drama development since its inception and understanding its trends and technical development in terms of design and critique.
  • Describes the ins and outs of drama media and their differences.
  • To appreciate the importance of drama arts and their importance in establishing values and ideals in society
Mental skills
  • An ability to analyze scientific concepts of design and dramatic presentation techniques and apply them during study
  • Ability to analytically and consciously read written and spoken dramatic discourse – presentation text/author’s text, and translate it visually.
  • Acquiring the artistic and aesthetic taste for evaluating and implementing artistic and creative works.
  • To apply scientific methods in the design and implementation of the decor and techniques of dramas in their various fields
Practical & professional skills
  • Applying the scientific foundations of drama in the fields of: landscape design and engineering and other sciences that he studied.
  • Preparing plans and models for scenery and decoration for dramatic works.
  • Design and implementation of scenography for dramatic performances.
Generic and transferable skills
  • Communicate and collaborate with others and gain the advantage of working in a team.
  • Taking responsibility and being able to manage time and lead a team
  • The ability to develop independent skills in learning independently of the educational context

Certificate Rewarded

A Bachelor's degree in Design and performance techniques

Entry Reuirements

  • The student must have a general secondary school completion certificate
  • The faculty accepts students transferring from other universities and colleges, according to the admission procedures determined by the scientific committee of the university, and in the majors available in the faculty.
  • The transfer student is required to submit documents showing the subjects and courses he studied, the scientific content of each of them, the number of hours and units in each course, and the grades and grades for them.
  • The student must submit all documents required for admission to the college registration office.
  •   Successfully pass the entrance exam

Study Plan

The Bachelor in Design and performance techniques prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Design and performance techniques. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 132 units, which include 10 units of general subjects, and 115 major units, 3 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
TTA121 02 General +

The Introduction to Dramatic Arts course aims to introduce the student to the basic concepts of drama science, and to know the most important foundations on which the production of dramatic art is based through its various means such as theatre, cinema and television, and the similarities and differences between the means of drama. And that the student be able to distinguish between the overlapping fields in the dramatic arts, and understand the mechanisms and methods of dealing with the various components and elements of drama.

TTA123 Greek and Roman theatre 03 General +


GS121 02 University requirement +

GS122 02 University requirement +

GS123 02 University requirement +

TTA224 02 General +

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
GS225 02 General +

TTA231 03 General +

TTA232 03 General +

TTA226 02 General +

TTA225 02 General +

GS224 02 University requirement GS121 +

TTA223 02 General +

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
TT301 03 Compulsory +

TTA227 03 General +

TTA228 02 General +

TTA229 03 General +

TT303 03 Compulsory +

TT209 03 Compulsory +

TTA321 03 Compulsory +

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
TT302 03 Compulsory +

TT306 03 Compulsory +

TTA320 03 General TTA228 +

TT210 02 Compulsory +

TTA322 03 General TTA229 +

TTA324 03 Compulsory +

TTA323 03 Compulsory +

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
TT312 03 Compulsory +

TT319 02 Compulsory +

TT318 02 Compulsory +

TTA325 03 Compulsory +

TT305 03 Compulsory +

TT215 03 Compulsory +

GL326 02 University requirement +

6th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
TT314 03 Compulsory +

TT313 03 Compulsory +

TTA326 03 General +

TT307 03 Compulsory +

TTA326 03 General +

Practical applications are an important part of a student’s study in drama majors. Studying in dramatic arts programs does not focus on theoretical aspects only, but rather attaches special importance to practical exercises to graduate students who are able to apply the different theories and trends they have studied in the fields of drama industry. This course comes within the department's plan to qualify students and train them in the fields of directing, acting, decoration design, and dealing with different techniques of dramatic performance.

TT216 03 Compulsory +

TTA420 03 Compulsory +

7th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
TT317 03 Compulsory +

TTA421 03 General +

TTA426 03 General +

Practical applications are an important part of a student’s study in drama majors. Studying in dramatic arts programs does not focus on theoretical aspects only, but rather attaches special importance to practical exercises to graduate students who are able to apply the different theories and trends they have studied in the fields of drama industry. This course comes within the department's plan to qualify students and train them in the fields of directing, acting, decoration design, and dealing with different techniques of dramatic performance.

CL427 02 General +

TT317 03 Compulsory +

TT308 03 Compulsory +

TT304 03 Compulsory +

TT211 03 Compulsory +

8th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
CL499 04 Compulsory +

TTA422 03 Compulsory +

CL498 03 Compulsory +