Bachelor in Art Education

University of Tripoli - Department of Fine and Applied arts



Art education is one of the academic programs offered by the Department of Fine and Applied Arts to prepare educational cadres in the fields of fine and applied arts. Preparing a graduate who is capable of artistic innovation in the field of art education. And the exchange of experiences and information with educational institutions and bodies in the fields of education, arts and children's arts by providing consultations and the exchange of experiences and information with educational institutions and bodies in the fields of education, arts and children's arts by providing the necessary consultations. The department also works to prepare the student artist and educator who is successful in his relations and contacts with the community, keeping pace with the needs of the labor market in his field of specialization, and participating in its development and development. The graduate department also has the ability to manage micro-projects and individual and group artworks, as well as the ability to communicate with normal individuals and people with special needs through analyzing their drawings. Graduation of the student who is capable of artistic assets who is aware of his goal and who seeks to achieve it through the performance of his duties, and prepares him to be a guide and mentor. for subsequent generations.


  • Graduating technically and professionally qualified educators at a level of competence in the fields of art education.
  • Preparing and supervising art exhibitions and holding them locally and internationally.
  • Preparing, supervising and publishing distinguished scientific research in the fields of fine and applied arts.
  • Providing services and community consultations in art


Knowledge & understanding

  • The ability to understand and analyze different artworks through art theories and schools.
  • Understand effective teaching methods and techniques.
  • Knowledge of the basics of dealing with different scientific approaches
  • To compare different technical schools.
Practical & professional skills
  • The ability to employ art in education.
  • The ability to deal with the individual differences of the learners
  • Proficient in dealing with small and large groups in education.
  • The ability to employ technology and teaching aids
  • The ability to prepare and prepare educational curricula.
Generic and transferable skills
  • Effective communication and time management.
  • Develop learning and teaching skills.
  • Team work skills.
  • Acquisition of educational skills and dealing with children.

Certificate Rewarded

Bachelor's degree in Art Education

Entry Reuirements

  • The student must have obtained a high school diploma with a rate of no less than (65%), sixty-five percent of the total marks in all departments, provided that the prescribed entrance exams are taken.
  • To be able to pursue studies in his desired major.

Study Plan

The Bachelor in Art Education prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Art Education . The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 127 units, which include 10 units of general subjects, and 112 major units, 3 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AFA 123 The foundations of design 02 General +

AFA 131 Engineering drawing 02 General +

The course deals with the principles of engineering drawing, its tools and terminology, engineering operations, vertical projection, deduction of projections, choosing suitable projections for design drawings, proportionality between shapes, equality in measurement and size between a group of objects (isometric). Projective representation of objects, methods of preparing drawings for interior design projects and understanding what is known from them.How to deal and apply these engineering processes, vertical projection, deduce the projections with all the plans used in the interior design and the determinants of the interior architecture of projections, facades and sectors and show them correctly and clearlyWhich gives luster in all lines and colors on the architectural and interior plans.

AFA122 free drawing 02 General +

The course deals with the principles of engineering drawing, its tools and terminology, engineering operations, vertical projection, deduction of projections, choosing suitable projections for design drawings, proportionality between shapes, equality in measurement and size between a group of objects (isometric). Projective representation of objects, methods of preparing drawings for interior design projects and understanding what is known from them.How to deal and apply these engineering processes, vertical projection, deduce the projections with all the plans used in the interior design and the determinants of the interior architecture of projections, facades and sectors and show them correctly and clearlyWhich gives luster in all lines and colors on the architectural and interior plans.

GS123 E 02 University requirement +

GS122 02 General +

GS121 02 University requirement +

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AFA 224 Print entrance 02 General +

GS225 02 General +

AFA222 Introduction to art education 02 General +

The aim of the course is to introduce the student to the philosophical and educational theories that are inherited in the progress and development of art education, as well as to be able to analyze the stages that art education went through locally and internationally. This course aims to introduce the field of art education to students and introduce them to its various fields. The course includes an explanation of the concept of art education and its terminology, the fields of knowledge associated with it, and a discussion of its functions in society in general, and education in particular. The course also includes initial practical practices in drawing, coloring, design and printing principles as a basis for more practices. In depth in these technical areas and others later.

AFA229 general photography 02 General +

The course deals with the principles of engineering drawing, its tools and terminology, engineering operations, vertical projection, deduction of projections, choosing suitable projections for design drawings, proportionality between shapes, equality in measurement and size between a group of objects (isometric). Projective representation of objects, methods of preparing drawings for interior design projects and understanding what is known from them.How to deal and apply these engineering processes, vertical projection, deduce the projections with all the plans used in the interior design and the determinants of the interior architecture of projections, facades and sectors and show them correctly and clearlyWhich gives luster in all lines and colors on the architectural and interior plans.

GS 224 A 02 University requirement +

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AEA227 Ancient art history 02 General +

The course description of the history of ancient art deals with a thorough study of the course, which is represented in the process of realizing the historical and cultural sequence of ancient nations, and this helps to see the historical and cultural monuments and evidence of that era of time, and to know the philosophical aspects and motives behind each historical era, and thus the student understands the concepts and philosophy of each era time period with all its artistic, aesthetic, historical and civilizational features and characteristics within a general framework from ancient primitive art to the art of the stone ages (Paleolithic), (Neolithic) and (Calcolithic), in addition to ancient Egyptian art and the art of Mesopotamia _ also_ Roman art, Byzantine art and Gothic art, and this is done Addressing the characteristics, features and factors influencing the ancient arts.Description of the practical part (Laboratory projects): The course does not contain an applied side (the practical part), but it is possible to review models from those periods of time for each stage using technological techniques such as (Photoshop - PowerPoint) to display some works, sculptures and artistic effects for those time periods.

AFA 226 Art Terms 02 General +

AE302 03 Compulsory +

The course aims to teach the student all types of plant and engineering decorations. He can also know the origins of these decorations from the Arab East or Morocco. The student will also be able to know the relationship between elements, compounds, and technical and engineering units.

AE222 sculptural applications 03 Compulsory +

The subject of sculptural applications is one of the basic subjects prescribed for the Department of Art Education, as it is of great importance to the visual artist and to the student who is considered as a teacher of art education and as a plastic artist.This course aims to develop the student's abilities, develop his artistic taste, and implement artistic works in Alborz sculpture, as it is one of the important branches of the department, in addition to stereoscopic sculpture and relief.The course also aims to use different techniques and the use of various materials, including clay and wood, and the possibility of learning the direct casting method.

AE205 Education Technology 02 Compulsory +

The student is able to identify the differences between teaching aids and educational technologies, and the student can apply the principles of technical education in the design of multiple visual and audio teaching aids. After studying the course, the student will be able to design and implement an educational method in a course.

AE203 Fundamentals of art education 02 Compulsory +

That the student analyzes field problems and methods of treatment.The student will be able to know the objectives of the origins of art education and its global theories.

AE201 Child and adolescent art 02 Compulsory +

The student will be familiar with children's drawings, their characteristics, and their educational, psychological, artistic and aesthetic importance, and clarify their stages and their relationship to mental, cognitive and social development, in addition to studying the motives towards artistic expression and the various factors affecting children's artistic expression, and individual trends in their artistic expression and the role of the family in this field. The course depends on the theoretical side, but it is possible that there will be training work in the form of critical studies that deal with selected artistic models that represent children’s drawings in their various stages of development, and individual research assignments from the Internet and specialized references, in which dialogue, discussion, opinions are put forward, and analysis processes are carried out. Criticism and description of some of the children’s drawings and their various artistic expressions, and the realization of the multiple values they contain in order to expand the horizons and perceptions of students, to develop the skills and knowledge capabilities, and to push them to the ability to explain, analyze, dialogue, discuss and cooperative learning.

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AE311 Printing techniques 03 Compulsory +

This course aims to develop the student for the printing techniques that he uses, and the student acquires the refinement of his artistic talents by using multi-color techniques in the artworks that he implements.Through this course, the student will also gain exposure to new and modern technologies in the field of printing.It motivates the student to search for information in order to be unique and distinguished in the subjects of his choice. Sensation, taste, criticism and analysis are also developed.Gain patience for the student to carry out the work.

AFA323 History of medieval art 02 General AFA227 +

This course is considered one of the general academic courses that the student should study within the study plan of the art education program, and it is part of the courses that cover the historical stages of the development of the arts. Through this course, the student will be able to understand the technical terms related to this course, and the student will be able to distinguish between the arts of this era and other eras in the field of arts and architecture. Influential economic studies in the eras that followed the Middle Ages, such as the Gothic period, and the Romanesque arts, with a study of all types of arts and the architecture of palaces, buildings, and churches built in that historical period.

AE251 ceramic applications 03 Compulsory +

This course aims to provide the student with the scientific and technical foundations related to methods of casting on pottery, and the use of several techniques for casting in this place. The student will also be able to know the types of kilns and the appropriate temperatures for ceramic coatings.In this course, the student learns the definition of plaster casting methods and types. The student is also trained in the stages of the casting process and the rules that are followed in these operations.The student will be able to know the types of glazes, the materials these coatings are made of, and the compositions they contain, in addition to studying some historical ceramics dating back to the Islamic era, traditional Chinese ceramics, and other civilizations that were interested in this technique.

AE208 PAINTING l l 03 Compulsory AFA122 +

AE207 educational approaches and theories 02 Compulsory AE203 +

The course aims to study the factors and variables that have occurred for art education in light of the development of educational and technical sciences and in light of modern technology, the course is interested in reviewing all theories that art education has gone through in the Arab world and internationally, the student can distinguish between artistic theories and evaluate the current situation of art education.

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AFA228 History of Islamic Art 02 General +

The course aims to study Islamic art and the reasons for the spread of this art in the Arab Islamic countries and non-Arab countries such as Persia and Turkey. The student is also able to know the major arts such as city planning and architecture, both civil and military. He also studies the types of mosques, minarets and their decorations.The student can distinguish between Islamic art schools in the Maghreb and the Levant, as well as the countries of Andalusia. The student studies the influence of Islamic arts on European arts, and the influence of Western artists on Arabic calligraphy and Islamic decoration. The student is also able to know the spiritual dimensions of Islamic art and what it carries regarding the Creator’s relations with the universe, space, and others. Among other creatures and attempts by the Muslim artist to embody these relationships.

AFA 320 02 University requirement +

VSA132 Photography 1 03 General +

AE313 Developmental psychology 03 Compulsory +

This course includes introducing the student to the concept of developmental psychology, its importance and objectives, familiarity with the stages of psychological development and the characteristics of each stage, the factors affecting them, the principles of growth, research methods in developmental psychology, and some theories of growth such as Piaget's theory, Erickson, adolescence and its characteristics with exposure to some childhood and adolescence problems, and how to overcome them, as well as the Qur'anic and Islamic treatment of the stages of growth to increase the student's awareness of the greatness of the Creator.

AE204 linear configurations 03 Compulsory +

AE217 Arts for special needs 02 Compulsory +

The course aims to identify the special groups and people with multiple disabilities and the interpretation of their drawings. The student also learns the importance and reasons for understanding and limiting the special groups and the differences between these groups in terms of mental, physical, psychological and cognitive aspects. The student is also able to analyze the drawings of children with needs and compare them with the drawings of normal children with a procedure Some experiments and research on these categories

AE312 Water Panting 03 Compulsory +

AE318 Works of art 03 Compulsory +

The student gets acquainted with the most important local and non-local raw materials that can be used in the fields of art, as well as the scientific and artistic bases for the use of raw materials and how to install them. The student is able to design paintings that represent the environment with modernization and development in a pioneering artistic way.The student gets acquainted with the natural and industrial characteristics of the raw materials used in artistic works, while training him to implement them himself. The student’s experience can also be linked to this field, which is design, implementation and experimentation.

6th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AE321 Silence natural oil pic 1 03 Compulsory +

AE320 Scenes from the environment 03 Compulsory +

The student can read various works of art, the student can distinguish between the works of international artists and read them,The student can identify plastic relationships such as color, shadows, spaces and other plastic vocabulary.

AE314 Psychological health 03 Compulsory GS122 +

This course includes defining the concept of mental health, its foundations, approaches, objectives, and associated concepts such as adjustment, adaptation, psychological prevention, psychological conflict, anxiety, frustration, defensive methods, some models of neurotic and psychotic diseases, characteristics of a disordered personality, in addition to normal personality characteristics.

AFA324 ART history in the Renaissance 02 General AFA228 +

The course aims to enable the student to know what is related to each historical stage

AE307 Kindergarten 02 Compulsory +

This course aims to identify the terminology of kindergartens, and the factors that led to the spread of this type of educational institution. It also aims to enable students to understand the psychology of childhood development, and the methods of teaching and education for this important stage in a child's life.The course studies the educational methods that can be designed and implemented in kindergarten. The student is also able to know all the child's learning methods and needs in terms of education, drawing, science, writing, and other special needs education for this stage

AE215 General Teaching Methods Strategies 02 Compulsory +

The student learns the importance of developing the spirit of scientific research and critical thinking, and the student learns the importance of love of work in the hearts of learners, and appreciation of the role of teachers, and the student learns about the general foundations on which teaching methods are built

7th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AFA 425 Modern Art History 02 General +

AE419 Museums and galleries 02 Compulsory +

The course aims to know the museums, their importance and the motives for which international museums were established, with some museums being mentioned as examples, with an explanation of the contents of these museums. Methods of preparing museums and how to preserve holdings are also studied according to the quality of the exhibits, with clarification by presenting with modern devices.The course also contains an introduction to art exhibitions and how to prepare and organize them, especially school exhibitions, which are of interest to art education. It has exhibitions and errors that can encounter these exhibitions, while trying to find solutions that have them.

AE423 Mosaic and murals 03 Compulsory +

This course aims to introduce students to the characteristics of mural paintings by realizing formal aesthetics in large areas, considering this art as a means of direct communication with the masses. It also includes the development of students' skills in relation to the practice of methods of performing this art with traditional and innovative materials, such as flat oriental fresco painting and stereoscopic western frescoes with traditional or used materials. Mosaic art with natural and industrial materials>

AE216 Specific teaching strategies 02 Compulsory +

The method of teaching arts includes the methods and attitudes that are applied within the classroom in order to ensure the success of the teaching process, so that the historical overview is an important part of the theoretical aspect, in addition to the knowledge of the learner - the student - of the concept of the method of teaching arts in language and idiomatically, and knowing the characteristics of the teacher and his duties towards the educational process. Studying the basic objectives of preparing an art education teacher also studying and knowing the functions of art education in preparing a good teacher, leading to studying the basic characteristics of teaching methods, fields and the strategy on which it is based. The material is theoretical in general, but it is possible for the learner - the student - to be prepared for the stage of teaching applications on which the subject of teaching methods is based on arts by opening discussion panels for the process of preparing the lesson and applying it in the lecture after the student has prepared the subject to be accomplished in the form of working papers to be presented and the dialogue In which .

AE425 Practical Education I 04 Compulsory AE216 +

Practice experiences that develop the basic teaching skills of the student teacher, such as planning, implementing and evaluating lessons. Creating conditions for the trainee and encouraging him to innovate and renew in the field of teaching. Provide opportunities for positive interaction with the curriculum and the school environment. Training to practice the tasks and duties required of the teacher in schools of monitoring, teaching, directing and evaluating. Preparing the student teacher to work positively in the field of the teaching profession and developing his positive attitudes towards it.

8th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AE456 Practical Education II 04 Compulsory +

This practical course aims to enable the student teacher to go through the experience of teaching in schools and kindergartens, and the student is able to practice the teaching process according to the foundations that he had learned through the previous course Practical Education I, and therefore the student is obligated to practical training according to the regulations in force in schools and kindergartens And after agreement with the administration of the college and public or private schools, as required by the study and agreement. With full reliance on the student-teacher in the teaching process from preparation to implementation of the lesson, evaluation and other teaching basics.

CL427A Art criticism 02 General +

CL499A Graduation Project 04 Compulsory +

AE424 SEMINAR 03 Compulsory +

The course aims to develop the knowledge of students in the field of research and inform them of various types of research and qualitative and quantitative studies (Quantitative & Qualitative) in the field, analysis and criticism.

Elective Subjects

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
03 not defined +