Bachelor in Finance and banking

University of Tripoli - Department of Financing and Banking




The Department of Finance and Banking was established during the fall semester of 2000, and it is considered one of the largest and most important majors in the college, and it provides highly qualified university cadres for the community and the labor market in very important areas in finance, banking, investment, and local and international insurance at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels, as it covers theoretical aspects  And applied, to meet the growing demand for financiers and bankers in various sectors and economic activities, whether public or private, and it also supports the financial markets with cadres specialized in investment evaluation and analysis of securities to distribute financial resources with high efficiency.

 This specialization aims to provide students with the means necessary to identify the most important main areas in the field of financial and banking sciences, the most important of which are: financing of commercial and Islamic banks, investments, insurance, management of financial institutions, credit management, financial risk management, financial markets, investment portfolio management, investment evaluation and securities analysis.


  • Preparing graduates in financial and banking specializations in line with the requirements of the labor market.
  •  Preparing approved graduates with flexibility and high quality.
  •  Increase the student's ability to think and be creative in the field of banking and financial sciences.
  •  Supporting scientific research and specialized expertise for graduates.
  •  Spreading financial and banking awareness in the community.



a.  Success and understanding: to be able to start the educational program successfully in the areas of knowledge and understanding:

  •  Knowing the components of equipment and commercial expenses, their concept, their importance, specialized banks and laboratories,
  •  Knowledge of insurance, insurance companies and financial institutions.
  •  Understanding is a common posting between financial institutions and their internal work environment in particular, and the organization and its objectives in general.
  •  Knowing the types of investment and retirement to compare each type.
  •  Learn how to make the decision related to the methods used in the methods and securities.

 B.  Intellectual skills: After the educational program, the student will successfully acquire the following:

  •   I have to contact rationalization.
  •   Developing knowledge and commercial practices and creative thinking in the four projects and development in the local community and developments in the local community.
  •  Designing secure financial information systems.
  •   The ability to systematically analyze case studies in treating actual problems in financial and banking institutions.
  •  Thinking of the surrounding area.

 c.  Practical skills and vocational skills: the student will acquire them at the beginning of the following educational program:

  •   The ability to use financial and banking systems and applications.
  •  The ability to design financial information systems.
  •  The ability to manage financial institutions such as banks and insurance companies.
  •  The ability to conduct scientific research in the specialty.
  •  The ability to diagnose financial and banking problems.

 D.  General and transferable skills: the student will acquire the following program:

  •  language skills.
  •   Communication, written and oral communication, and financial reporting.
  •  Use of modern technical tools.
  •  Information and Communication Technology.
  •  Dealing with the computer.

Certificate Rewarded

Bachelor of Finance and Banking.

Entry Reuirements


• The student should successfully pass the Funding Principles course (160) with a grade of no less than good.

 • The student should not have been expelled from another university or institute for disciplinary or academic reasons.

 • Passing the entrance exam and the personal interview, if the department deems it so.

 • The ability to absorb the program from students according to the available capabilities.

Study Plan

The Bachelor in Finance and banking prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Finance and banking. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 139 units, which include 52 units of general subjects, and 60 major units, 15 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
PLA170 Planing peincipals 03 General +

Teaching students the importance of planning, which is represented in achieving the goals of balanced development through a future outlook and achieving total and partial balance, in addition to defining planning and its justifications and stages of development, as well as identifying the types of planning and the stages of the planning process, and the methods used in the planning process Knowing how to set plans and follow them up

FIN160 Financing Principles 03 Compulsory +

This course is concerned with introducing the student to financing and its objectives, and what are the tasks assigned to financial managers, as well as knowing the sources of financing, financial intermediaries, and sources of Islamic financing. It also explains the definition of ordinary and preferred shares, advantages and disadvantages, and determining the cost of each, It also explains the concept of bonds, long-term loans, leasing and retained earnings, and determining their costs.

ACC 130 Accounting Principles I 03 General +

Defining the science of accounting, the principles and assumptions that govern it, the accounting cycle, the budget equation, the basics of preparing the double entry, distinguishing between debit and credit accounts, determining the effect of transactions on the budget equation, recording and posting entries in the accounting books with the preparation of the trial balance and the preparation of financial statements (income statement, and the position list financial) and discover accounting errors and treat them

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
POL150 Political Science 03 General +

POL151 Public Administration 03 General +

ST140 03 General +

ACC131 Principles of Accounting II 03 General +

The student recognizes the reasons for the need for settlement entries, the student understands how to prepare settlement entries, and the existence of more than one method, and the student recalls the importance of accounting principles and assumptions and their impact on the settlement process, and the student explains the reason for the balance (or imbalance) of the settlement list and the statement of financial position The student recognizes the reasons for the need for settlement entries, the student understands how to prepare settlement entries, and the existence of more than one method, and the student recalls the importance of accounting principles and assumptions and their impact on the settlement process, and the student explains the reason for the balance (or imbalance) of the settlement list and the statement of financial

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
FIN262 Investing basics 03 Compulsory FIN160 +

The course aims to introduce the student to investment management in terms of its concept, importance, objectives and evaluation, as well as knowledge of local and foreign investments of all types, fields, purposes and methods of evaluation, definition of investment and its objectives, types and negotiable indirect investment tools, identifying the risks it is exposed to and the main indicators for measuring its quality with a focus on studying topics Contemporary investment management, investment tools traded in financial markets, and investment decisions.

FIN261 Banking basics 03 Compulsory FIN160 +

The course aims to introduce the student to what commercial banks are, and to clarify the relationship between commercial banks and the central bank, as well as to provide the student with the concepts and foundations upon which banks are based.

8th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
FIN562 Graduation Project 03 Compulsory +

Elective Subjects

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
FIN361 Portfolio theory 03 Compulsory FIN266 +

The study of the course aims to know and comprehend the basic ingredients for making an investment decision, whether the decision to buy or sell, the risks of the investment portfolio and the return on it, especially when dealing in the capital markets, as well as the student’s knowledge of financial indicators when analyzing stocks and bonds, the ability to build investment portfolios and diversify them, and knowing the advantages and costs of funds Investment and financial derivatives and the advantages and risks of dealing with them.

FIN465 Audit and control of banks 03 Elective FIN267 +

The course is concerned with providing the student with the ability to understand the auditing and supervision of banks and their objectives, types, importance and different types, as well as introducing the student to the basic components of banking supervision systems, and international standards for auditing and monitoring of banks.

FIN464 Various insurance 03 Elective FIN263 +

The title introduces the student to the concepts of risk, what it is, its causes, types, and analysis of its elements, as well as identifying dangerous and non-insurable risks, insurance, insurance, insurance, insurance against insurance, types of insurance, including insurance, life, property, marine insurance, and other types, definitions of insurance contracts, and technical and legal rules for the insurance contract.

FIN463 Re Insurance 03 Elective FIN263 +

The course is concerned with providing the student with the general concept of reinsurance and getting acquainted with the legality of its contracts, and getting acquainted with the local and international bodies specialized in reinsurance, and through it he can distinguish between the reinsurance system and the commercial insurance system, and gets acquainted with the most important reinsurance agreements, and the student also acquires general skills and culture in This field through which he gains experience and uses it in public life related to the field of insurance.

FIN462 Finance and real estate investment 03 Elective FIN262 +

The study of the course aims to provide the student with the ability to identify the concept of real estate financing and calculate its cost, and to teach the student the importance of real estate valuation, types and methods of valuation, as well as the importance of real estate analysis and investment.

FIN460 Contemporary financial issues 03 Compulsory FIN367 +

The study of the course aims to introduce the student to investment management in terms of its concept, importance, objectives and evaluation, and knowledge of local and foreign investments of all types, fields, purposes and methods of evaluation, as well as defining investment and its objectives, types and negotiable indirect investment tools, and identifying the risks it is exposed to and the main indicators for measuring its quality with focus To study contemporary issues related to investment management, what are the investment tools traded in the financial markets, and investment decisions.

FIN369 Quantitative methods in finance 03 Elective FIN364 +

The study of the course aims to provide the student with the ability to analyze the financial standard, and to teach the student about options contracts, future contracts, and swap contracts, as well as providing the student with the skills that make him able to carry out quantitative research in the field of finance and investment, and to introduce the concepts and skills of quantitative measurement of the relationships between financial and economic variables.

FIN368 Takaful insurance 03 Elective FIN263 +

The study of the course aims to introduce the student to the general concept of insurance and to get acquainted with the legality of insurance contracts, and to introduce the student to the concept of Takaful insurance, its origin and the legal framework for it, and through it the student can distinguish between the Takaful insurance system and the commercial insurance system, and to get acquainted with the most important management formulas in the Takaful insurance companies The student also acquires general skills and culture in this field, through which he gains experience and uses them in public life related to the field of insurance.

FIN367 Financial indicators and investment funds 03 Compulsory FIN364 +

The study of the course aims to provide the student with the ability to know basic concepts about financial indicators, the credit rating industry, and what investment funds are, and to teach the student the importance of analyzing international credit rating indicators, studying the types, operations, and foundations of managing investment funds, as well as introducing the student to how international credit rating indicators are calculated and how to evaluate investment funds.

FIN366 International investment 03 Compulsory FIN361 +

This course is concerned with introducing the student to the most important topics related to the monetary aspect in international trade and economic relations, and identifying foreign exchange and its relationship to the balance of payments and the impact of this balance on the economic situation of the state, as well as knowing the most important theories related to dealing with imbalances in the balance of payments and the impact of the international monetary system through international liquidity and the International Monetary Fund.

FIN365 Financial derivatives 03 Compulsory FIN361 +

The study of the course aims to introduce the student to the most important topics related to financial derivatives, and to get acquainted with the subject of the contract, which in turn varies between stocks, bonds, commodities, foreign currencies, etc., and for the student to analyze the derivatives for the investor to achieve gains or losses depending on the performance of the asset subject of the contract.

FIN364 Securities and currencies analysis 03 Compulsory FIN266 +

The study of the course aims to introduce the student to the concepts, importance, objectives and functions of securities, as well as to learn how to evaluate and analyze securities, and to identify the risks of securities and dealing in them, buying and selling them, issuing and calling them.

FIN363 Advanced corporate finance 03 Compulsory FIN360 +

The study of the course aims to introduce the student to the concepts of corporate finance structure, financial theories and literature about the corporate finance structure, as well as teaching the student the importance of making financing structure decisions in practice and the analytical tools for making these decisions, clarifying and knowing how to calculate the required return “financing cost” and studying the approaches to determining the value of Enterprise.

FIN362 Investment evaluation 03 Compulsory FIN269 +

The study aims to introduce the student to the nature of the investment project, to study the criteria for evaluating profitability under risk conditions, as well as to analyze the sensitivity of the project to fluctuations and changes in the economy.

FIN360 Corporate finance 03 Compulsory FIN260 +

The course study aims to understand the methods used in the financial planning process to estimate short-term and long-term financial needs in business companies, as well as learn how to manage working capital and make decisions related to identifying appropriate financing sources for the company, and analyze and study the cost of financing sources and how to calculate them.

FIN269 Financial analysis and forecasting 03 Compulsory FIN260 +

The course study aims to introduce the student to the basics of financial analysis and how to benefit from analyzing the financial statements of business companies and banks for the purpose of evaluating their performance and the feasibility of their decisions and introducing the strategic dimension of financial analysis and its methods, as well as getting acquainted with the methods of performance evaluation and methods of evaluating the growth of companies and banks, and knowing the methods of predicting failure and failure of business companies and banks.

FIN268 Financial institutions 03 Compulsory FIN266 +

The course is concerned with identifying the concept of financial institutions, as well as identifying the role and characteristics of financial institutions and their types, in addition to identifying the problems that these institutions suffer from.

FIN267 Banking operations and policies 03 Compulsory FIN261 +

This course is concerned with enabling the student to get acquainted with the various banking operations and their concepts in commercial banks, and helping the student to choose among the strategies and policies that contribute to achieving the goals of commercial banks, as well as introducing the student to developments in the banking business.

FIN266 Financial markets 03 Compulsory FIN160 +

The study of the course aims to provide the student with the ability to know and analyze the nature of the financial markets, their functions, their forms and the financial tools that they offer, as well as teaching the student the mechanisms of dealing in the stock markets and analyzing the stock market indicators and the requirements of the efficiency and liquidity of the financial market. financial markets.

FIN265 Islamic financing and investment formulas 03 Compulsory FIN264 +

The study of this course aims to identify the concept of Islamic finance, and provide the student with an in-depth knowledge of the legitimacy of the various Islamic financing formulas, as well as identifying the provisions of dealing with Islamic finance formulas and how Islamic financial transactions are carried out.

FIN264 Fundamentals of Islamic banking 03 Compulsory FIN160 +

The course is concerned with introducing the student to the concept of Islamic banks, their objectives and characteristics, and identifying the formulas and tools of Islamic finance, as well as identifying the most important obstacles to the work of the Islamic bank.

FIN263 Insurance basics 03 Compulsory FIN160 +

The course is concerned with introducing the student to the basics of insurance, the characteristics of insurance and the types of insurance companies, as well as defining the motives for dealing with insurance companies and the basic elements of the insurance transaction contract.

FIN466 Financial policies 03 Elective FIN367 +

The study of the course aims to provide the student with the ability to identify the main features of the state’s financial activity, and to teach the student the importance of analyzing public expenditures and public revenues, as well as identifying the general budget cycle, its forms, and the scientific divisions of the budget.

FIN467 International Finance 03 Elective FIN366 +

The course is concerned with providing students with the ability to identify the concept of international finance, its development and sources, as well as identifying the characteristics and structure of international banking and methods of foreign exchange pricing, and introducing students to the importance of medium and long finance techniques, international financial markets, derivative markets and settlement techniques in international exchanges.

FIN260 Financial management 03 Compulsory ACC 130 +

The course is concerned with providing the student with the basics of financial management, its concept and its role in rationalizing decisions, as well as familiarity with the financial planning and forecasting process, and providing the student with the ability to conduct financial analyzes, and how to evaluate investment proposals.

FIN468 Strategic financial analysis 03 Elective FIN264 +

The study of the course aims to provide the student with the ability to know the basic concepts about strategic financial analysis and schools of strategic financial thought, as well as teaching the student the importance of the role of financial information in making strategic decisions. The strategy.

FIN469 Banking marketing 03 Elective FIN265 +

The study of the course aims to familiarize the student with the concept of banking marketing science and its nature in banking institutions, as well as clarifying the foundations of marketing science and its management in banking institutions, and providing the student with awareness of marketing strategies for banking operations and services.