Department of Arabic Language

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About Department of Arabic Language

The Arabic Language Department was established since the establishment of the Higher Institutes to start in 1998 AD, and it was within the departments of the Higher Institute since the beginning of the third year. In 2001, the Higher Institute turned into a College of Preparation for the first time in four years. The student is granted enough bachelor’s degrees in the Arabic language provided that he completes 136 units, and the matter remained the same after the college and its departments joined the University of Tripoli in 2004 AD. Hundreds of male and female students graduated during these years.The educational process in the department is managed by a number of continental faculty members from various linguistic specializations, and every male and female student at the university is considered a student in the Arabic Language Department. Because the department teaches the Arabic language and its basic grammar to all college and university students, as it is the identity of the state and the entire nation and an authentic and distinctive landmark that combines authenticity and contemporary modernity.

Facts about Department of Arabic Language

We are proud of what we offer to the world and the community




Academic Staff






Bachelor - Arabic Language

The Department of Arabic Language contributes to developing the level of performance of graduates in the field of education, education and research, in order to prepare Arabic language teachers, with high efficiency in the field of education and community service, in order to reach excellence....


Who works at the Department of Arabic Language

Department of Arabic Language has more than 23 academic staff members

staff photo

Dr. Saleh Ali Salem Jagloul

verification card: Name: Saleh Ali Salem Jagloul. Email: Tel: 0916350569 Residence address: Tripoli/ Qarji scientific certificates: Secondary certificate, literary section, in the academic year 1983-1984, with a grade of “good”. - Bachelor’s degree from the University of Tripoli, Faculty of Arts and Education, Department of Arabic Language and Islamic Studies, Fall 1988 with a grade of “Good.” Postgraduate Diploma, University of Tripoli, Faculty of Arts, Department of Arabic Language, Linguistics Division, academic year 2004-2005 with a grade of very good. Master’s degree from the University of Tripoli, Faculty of Arts, Department of Arabic Language, Linguistics Division, in the academic year 2009-2010 PhD from Ibn Tofail University in the Kingdom of Morocco for the academic year 2018-2019, with a very honorable grade. career: Teacher of Arabic and Islamic education at the intermediate stage from 1989 to 2011. Assistant Lecturer at the University of Tripoli, Faculty of Education Qasr Ibn Ghashir from 2011 to 2014. . Head of the Arabic Language Department, University of Tripoli, College of Education, Qasr Ibn Ghashir, from 2018 to date. Scientific seminars and conferences: - I gave a lecture at the Department of Arabic Language, Ibn Tofail University on April 29, 2015 entitled: The nature of the Arabic language. - I gave a lecture at the Department of Arabic Language, Ibn Tofail University on 11/11/2015 entitled: Descriptive Analytical Study. - I gave a lecture at the Department of Arabic Language, Ibn Tofail University on November 22, 2016 entitled: Qur'anic readings of grammarians between theory and application, Hamza's reading as a model. . I gave a lecture at the Department of Arabic Language, Ibn Tofail University on 12/2/2018 entitled: The separation between the hosts, a semantic synthetic study, reading Ibn Amer as a model. . I participated in the second scientific conference of the College of Education, Qasr Bin Ghashir, entitled: The requirements of educational transformation for faculties of education in light of the challenges of knowledge technology. The search was entitled: E-learning and its role in teaching Arabic . Participation in the scientific conference of the College of Sharia in Tajoura, which will be held on February 14, 2022 entitled: The language of the Qur’an between turnout and abandonment Search by title: The Arabic language teacher and his scientific competence Publishing and authorship: 1. I published a paper entitled: The Language of the Noble Qur’an, in Al-Jabal Scientific Journal. 2. I published a paper entitled: Induction, a descriptive and analytical study in the Journal of Forensic Sciences. 3. Published a research entitled: Qur'anic Readings of Grammarians between Theory and Practice, in the Journal of Osoul al-Din. 4. I published a paper entitled: Hamza in Anomaly Readings between Investigation and Facilitation (Audio Study) in Al-Qirtas magazine. 5. I published a paper entitled: Substitution between consonants in abnormal readings (a phonetic study), in the Journal of the College of Education. 6. I published a paper entitled: The so-called Arabic dialects and the position of scholars on them, in the Journal of the College of Arts. 7. Under publication, a research entitled: Deletion in the Noble Qur’an, a grammatical, rhetorical study, Surat Fussil as a model, in the Journal of the College of Islamic Call. Saleh Ali Jagloul 2022/1/22