Bachelor in Mining Engineering

University of Tripoli - Department of Mining Engineering



The program is concerned with introducing the basics and principles of mining economics and determining the economic feasibility of operations in the mining industry.


Preparing highly qualified engineers in mining engineering to work on projects related to the mining industry. Provide the right environment for students to work in a team spirit. Encourage cooperation between the department and the mining industry in the field of mining research and consultancy.


The ability to make appropriate decisions and compare them according to the available conditions and capabilities. The ability to find scientific solutions in accordance with scientifically and environmentally recognized systems The ability to manage work in all normal and exceptional circumstances without discrimination.

Certificate Rewarded

Bachelor of Engineering

Entry Reuirements

The student applying to study in the department must have a certificate of completion of secondary school or its equivalent, in accordance with the procedures and systems stipulated by the Ministry of Higher Education and in force in Libyan universities.

Study Plan

The Bachelor in Mining Engineering prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Mining Engineering. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 10 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 152 units, which include 0 units of general subjects, and 0 major units

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
GS115 Chemistry 03 General +

Measurements and SI units; chemical equations and stoichiometry; structures of atoms and periodic relationships, chemical compounds: The gaseous state; solutions-electrolytes and non-electrolytes; acids and bases; thermochemistry; chemical equilibrium; ionic equilibrium I and II; organic chemistry.

GE121 Engineering Mechanics 03 General +

Statics of particles; forces in plane and spree; statics of rigid bodies : Equivalent system of forces; equilibrium in two and three dimensions, work and energy, analysis of trusses, frames, and machines, free body diagram; kinematic; stability friction, centroids and center of gravity-lines, area and volumes. Moment of inertia of areas and masses.

GS111 Physics I 03 General +

GS101 Mathematics I 03 General +

GH150 Arabic I 02 University requirement +

Review of Arabic courses taken in high school, including construction of Arabic sentence, spelling and punctuation (Part one).

GH141 Mathematics I 03 University requirement +

The main objective of this course (English I) is to encourage the leaners to acquire the English language skills they need to pursue their specialized courses in different Departments of the Faculty. In order to achieve this purpose, emphasis should be relied upon the formal grammar of the language, reading and writing activities in the classroom and listening comprehension and note-taking practice in the language laboratory. Undoubtedly, this can help the students to express themselves freely while dealing with technical terminology, vocabulary items and structures related to their subject areas. The overall program is a complimentary and prerequisite course for all Engineering Departments (Four hours per week). It covers the following:- Intensive Reading of different passages containing materials the students need to follow their departmental courses (vocabulary exercises, comprehension questions, contextual references, affixation, etc.). •Description of the laboratory experiments. Scientific vocabulary including the use of dictionary, punctuation, word-order, spelling, word- formation, etc. •The study of English verb tenses, active forms and passive constructions. The study of English nouns (kinds, functions, derivation) pronouns, adjectives, articles, adverbial phrases and so forth. •Summary writing.

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
GS115L Chemistry Lab 01 General +

Some experiments related to GS115 course.

GS112 Physics II 03 General GS111 +

Electrostatics: changes and fields, the electric potential; electric current; the magnetic field, electric fields in matter. Photoelectric effect, Einstein’s explanation and quantum theory of the hydrogen atom. Radioactive decay law derivation.

GE127 Engineering Drawing 02 General +

Introduction; definitions, conventions. Instrument, dimensioning, some geometrical constructions; e.g., drawing of some polygons, parallel lines, line and arc tangents. Projection; theory, types of projection, one view projection, multi-view projection, first and third angle projection, applications, including missing line views. Sectional vie s; complete section, half section, pant section, removed sections, revolved section, and applications.

GE129 Workshop Technology 02 General +

Industrial safety; engineering materials and their mechanical and physical properties; classifications, ferrous and nonferrous metals, natural and synthetic materials; introduction to manufacturing processes: casting, welding, forging, rolling, extrusion; sheet metal working methods, metal machining.

GS102 Mathematics II 04 General GS101 +

· Integration: definite and indefinite integrals, and their applications (area under a curve, area bounded by two curves, solids of revolution (disc method)). · Transcendental functions: exponential, logarithm functions, the hyperbolic functions, hyperbolic inverse functions, and their derivatives and integrations · Techniques of integration: (change of variables to find integrations, integration by parts, integration by substations, integration using partial fraction, reduction formulas). · The complex numbers: (definition, properties, conjugates, absolute values, polar forms, and determining roots). · Functions of several variables: (partial derivatives, implicit differentiation, chain rule and its applications, total differentiation and its applications, total differentiation of derivatives of second and higher order, maxima and minima, and Lagrange multiplier method).

GH152 Technical Writing Report 01 University requirement GH142 +

Writing technical reports, Report preparation and presentation. Preparation of minutes of meetings. Translation of technical document.

GH151 Arabic Language II 01 University requirement GH150 +

Review of Arabic courses taken in high school, including construction of Arabic sentence, spelling and punctuation (Part two).Accustom the student to clear expressions of his ideas in pronunciation and writing and the good use of punctuation marks. Developing the student's literary taste so that he realizes the aesthetic aspects of speech styles, meanings and images. Identify the beauty of the Arabic language and literature, and that the student acquires the ability to study the branches of the Arabic language. Develop the student's spelling and writing ability and skill so that he can write correctly in all respects.

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
CHE211 Physical Chemistry 03 Compulsory +

GS203 Mathematics III 03 General GS102 +

Linear Algebra. · Definition of matrices, Types of matrices, and their properties. · Operations on matrices and their properties. · Elementary row operations and reduced row form (Echelon form) · Systems of linear equations and their solutions using reduced matrix and matrix inverses. · Determinants, their properties, and a determinant formula for matrix inverse. · System of linear equations and their solutions using Cramer’s rule and using elementary transformations. · Eigenvalues and eigenvectors and the Hamilton Cayley theorem. · Introduction to fields (Real, complex), vectors, linearly dependent and independent vectors, basis, and dimension. Dot product, cross product, and their applications. · Calculus of vectors; functions of vectors and their derivatives, gradient, divergence and curl. The vector differential operator del.

GS112L Physics Lab 01 General GS111 +

Experiments about sound, light, electricity, magnetism, heat and electro-chemical conversion.

GEOE 110 General Geology 03 Compulsory +

Geology and the earth, Plate Tectonics, Minerals, Igneous Rocks, Plutons and Volcanoes, Weathering and Soil, Sedimentary Rocks, Metamorphic Rocks, Geologic Time, Earthquakes and Earth’s Structure, Ocean Basins, Geologic Structures, Mass Wasting, Streams and Lakes, Groundwater, Deserts. Glaciers and Ice age, Coastlines, Geologic Resources.

GE222 Engineering Mechanics II 03 General +

Introduction to dynamics. Kinematics of particles; Kinematics of rigid bodies. Three-dimensional motion of a particle relative to a rotating frame (Coriolis acceleration). D’Alembert’s principle. Kinetic energy of a rigid body in plane motion. Kinetics of rigid bodies in three dimensions; motion of a gyroscope. Introduction to mechanical vibrations.

GE133 Properties of Materials 03 Compulsory +

Introduction to dynamics. Kinematics of particles; Kinematics of rigid bodies. Three-dimensional motion of a particle relative to a rotating frame (Coriolis acceleration). D’Alembert’s principle. Kinetic energy of a rigid body in plane motion. Kinetics of rigid bodies in three dimensions; motion of a gyroscope. Introduction to mechanical vibrations

GE129L Workshop Technology Lab 01 General GE129 +

Some experiments related to GE129 course prepared by specified department.

GE125 Engineering Graphics 03 General +

Introduction, the purpose of Descriptive Geometry, different types of projection. Representation of point, line arid plane. Position problems. Metric problems. Projection on auxiliary views. Polyhedrons, development and intersections. Circle and sphere. Cone and cylinder. Curved surfaces, development arid Intersection.

EE280 Fundamental of Electrical Engineering 03 General GS101 +

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
MinE211 Introduction of Mining Eng 03 Compulsory GE133 GeoE 110 +

Historical background, mining terminology, prospection and exploration, drilling and drills, rock blasting, haulage and hosting, rock mechanics and supporting, shaft sinking, mine organization, drainage, ventilation and safety in mines, processing and marketing. 

GEOE 220 Structural Geology 03 Compulsory GeoE 110 +

Motivations and opportunities, Structural mapping techniques and tools, Characterizing structures using differential geometry, Physical quantities, fields, dimensions, and scaling, Deformation and flow, Force, traction, and stress, Conservation of mass and momentum, Elastic deformation, Brittle behavior, Viscous flow, Rheological behavior, Model development and methodology


Concepts of thermodynamic with definitions and units; conservation and transfer of energy; volumetric properties of pure fluids. Equations of state and their applications; industrial applications of heat effects calculations; concepts of entropy and the second law of thermodynamics; thermodynamic properties of single and two-phase systems; Maxwell's relations; thermodynamic diagrams; generalized correlations; power cycles and their applications; refrigeration, and liquefactions thermodynamic analysis of flow processes.

CHE211L PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY I Lab 01 Compulsory CHE211 +

Measurements of density; viscosity; phase-equilibria; kinetics of first order reaction (inversion of sucrose); refractive index; equilibrium constant (by means of electrical conductivity, Ka of succinic acid; molecular weight determination (Victor Mayer); thermodynamics of galvanic cells (Zinc-Copper electrodes).

GS204 Mathematics IV 03 General GS102 +

Ordinary differential equations · Basic definitions, first order and first degree differential equations (Separable Equations, Homogeneous and nearly homogeneous equations, Exact equations, Integrating factors, linear equations, Bernoulli equation, Riccati equation, brief discussion of existence and uniqueness of a solution, orthogonal trajectories). · Linear higher order differential equations: theoretical considerations, constant coefficient case, nonhomogeneous equation (variation of parameters method, undetermined coefficients method), and Euler’s differential equation. · Laplace transformations and its inverse, calculating Laplace transformation and its invers, using Laplace transformation on solving linear equations. · System of linear differential equations; solution of differential equations in series; gamma, beta function, Bessel function, modified Bessel function, Legendre polynomials; Spherical harmonics, hyper geometric functions.

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
GEOE 230 Mineralogy & Petrology 04 Compulsory GeoE 110 +

Crystallization, crystal symmetry, crystal systems, forms, habits, elements of crystal chemistry, Bravais Lattice. physical properties of minerals, chemical properties of mineral crystals (Isomorphism, Polymorphism. psedomorphism), ionic substitution, solid solution, descriptive mineralogy, native minerals, Sulfides, Oxides……, and Silicates. Studying physical properties, occurrence, and uses of important economic and rock-forming minerals. Studying Igneous rocks, origin, composition, texture, and classification. Studying Metamorphic rocks, origin of contact and regional metamorphism, properties and classification. Studying Sedimentary rocks, origin of detrital and chemical sedimentary rocks, composition, texture, and classification. Lab: Crystal models to identify symmetry and form. Identification and description of the important of some portant economic and rock forming minerals and their thin sections. Hand specimens of ore and rock-forming minerals to identify minerals using physical Properties. Field trips to recognize some rock-forming minerals

MINE 311 Rock Mechanics 1 03 Compulsory GeoE 220 MinE211 +

Studies of stresses type, theory of elasticity and its applications, types of rocks and mineral and physical properties, geological and engineering classification, mechanical properties of rocks, types of failure, theory of elasticity and optical and applications using models, laboratory and field methods to study and determine the values and trends of the stresses, study of soil subsidence as a result of mining operations.

CHE311 Fluid Mechanics 03 Compulsory CHE211 +

Fluid properties; fluid statics, velocity and shear; continuity, momentum and energy equations; Bernoulli Equation; laminar and turbulent flow regimes; frictional loss in pipes; transportation and metering of fluids; pumps and compressors; agitation of liquids; compressible flow; flow around submerged objects; fluidization.

6th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
MINE321 Rock Mechanics 2 03 Compulsory MinE 311 +

Stress-strain transportation, behavior of rock joints, design of underground openings (circular and elliptical shape), rock support type (theory and techniques), geological data analysis in (stereonet and computer methods), in situ- stress measurement geological faulting

MINE325 Mining Geophysics 02 Compulsory EE280 GeoE 220 +

Survey of geophysical methods of exploration: gravity magnetic, seismic, electric, electromagnetic, induced polarization, well logging, radioactivity and others, elementary theory, filed practice and techniques of interpretation, case histories and applications in mining engineering and rock mechanics are included

MINE314 Ore Dressing 1 03 Compulsory CHE301 GeoE 230 +

Introduction to science of ore dressing, general aspects of comminution, comminution laws, crushing, crushing and grinding mills, liberation particle size analysis, industry screening (crushing and grinding units, screening, movements of solids in fluids, classification method, ore concentration, methods concentration depend on the forces of gravity and moving membranes

GEOE 363 Economic Geology 03 Compulsory GeoE 220 GeoE 230 +

Study of the nature, classification, mineral association and origin of ore deposits, a brief history of the use of minerals and the development of economic geology, migration of ore-bearing fluids, structural and chemical controls on ore deposition, zoning in ore minerals, magmatic segregation (cr, ti, fe, ni, cu, pt) deposits, mineral texture and paragenesis, mineral deposits of pegmatites, hydrothermal deposits including epithermal, telethermal, mesothermal, xenothermal. volcanogenic deposits, contact and regional metamorphic deposits, open space filling and replacement, sedimentary deposits, mechanical and chemical, supergene enrichement, examples of economic mineral deposits in the world including placers, precambrian quartz pebble conglomerates, Pb-Zn deposits, and unconformity-related U deposits, roll front U, and porphery Cu deposits, kemberlite pipes, carbonatite ore depoite, and albitite, microclinite, and greisen Ore deposit, resources ore deposits from the ocean floor, Mn- bearing deposits, mineral deposits and plate tectonic, brief studying nonmetallic ore deposits (ground water and oil, natural gas), and ore deposited in libya, lab: maps and cross sections of mineral bodies using drill hole data. study of polished sections of some economic ore deposits, mineral textures of Ores

MINE312 Drilling & Blasting 03 Compulsory MinE 311 +

Applications of rock drilling , drilling theory & mechanism , drill ability, types of drilling, drilling machines , properties of explosives , blasting agent, types of cuts , pattern design , design of blasting circuits, application of computer programs in drilling and blasting

7th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
CE231 General Surveying 03 Compulsory +

Introduction; theory of measurements and errors, type of measurements, type of errors, error propagation, survey field notes, linear measurement, taping, EDM, leveling, curvature and refraction, instruments, differential leveling, trigonometric leveling, angles, bearing, azimuths, the compass survey, theodolite instrument, field operations with theodolite, traversing, traverse computations, areas and volumes

MINE313 Surface Mining 1 03 Compulsory MinE312 +

Introduction, quarry terminology, stripping ratio (overbarding - ore), quarry opening up, planning and engineering design of quarry, mining operations, drilling equipments, selection and number of drilling equipment

MINE324 Ore Dressing 2 03 Compulsory MinE314 +

Concentration of ores using Magnetic and electrostatic methods, principles of solid extraction of metals, floating and its relation to solution and surface chemistry, equilibrium, surface energy, selection agglomeration and separation, flouting from the practical and kinetic view, using of flow sheets and computer applications in ore dressing

GS200 Computer Programming 03 Compulsory +

Introduction to computer science; basic principles of computer structure; basic components of programming languages; problem solving steps; Algorithms; introduction to Programming Language; Tokens; Values & variables; Input & Output statements; Statements, Expressions and Operators; Flow of Controls (if, if..elseif, switch statements, ternary operator); Iteration and loops (while, do-while and for loop statements); Continue and Break statements; Built-in functions, User defined functions; Scope of variables (global, local and static variables); Arrays (one dimensional array, 2 dimensional array , multi-dimensional arrays); some arithmetic operations on arrays; Arrays and functions; File I/O, files and streams, opening and closing files, reading & writing text files; other data types (i.e. structures, pointers)

8th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
MINE484 Mining Geology 03 Compulsory GeoE 230 GeoE 363 +

The course reviews the mineralogy of economic mineral deposits(metallic or industrial) with emphasis on their economic value and study the factors affecting the price of these ore mineral from industrial point of view, following detailed discussion of reconnaissance of mineral deposits concerned with their nature, shapes and the changes occurred in the rock wall, then goes on to mineral exploitation and exploitation stages. The last part deals with economic mineral deposits from their mineral composition, percentage of metals and their uses

MINE492 Rock Slope Engineering 03 Compulsory MinE321 MinE322 +

Introduction to slope stability and classification of slope movement, geological and geotechnical factors, influence in slope stability, water effects and crack tension, techniques and methods for slope failure analysis, support system, instrumentation

MINE323 Surface Mining 2 03 Compulsory MinE313 +

Current and future status of surface mining, prospecting and exploration, land and water acquisitions: preliminary evaluation, planning and engineering design of open pits, quarries, and alluvial mining operations, appiying computer programs: exploitation, unit operations, drilling, blasting, and excavation, loading, haulage and transportation, etc. auxiliary operations, organization, management and economics.

MINE322 Underground Mining 03 Compulsory MinE312 MinE321 +

Underground mining terms, geological factors affecting mining methods, prospecting& exploration stages, development& exploitation stages, drilling & blasting of underground mine, loading and haulage operations & equipment in underground mining, types of roof mine supports, different types of underground mining methods, -selection of suitable mining methods according to geological and ore condition

9th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
MinE411 Mine Surveying 03 Compulsory +

This course introduces the student to the theory of errors, how to deal with and calculate the errors in measurement resulting from the primary and secondary measurements. This course also provides an introduction to the area of mines, how to transfer the surface area of subsurface mines and establish a baseline and coordinates from which the subsurface area works.

MINE412 Tunneling Construction & Supporting 03 Compulsory MinE312 MinE322 +

Studies of different types of tunnels (civil and mining tunnels), factors influencing tunnel location (choosing the tunnel location), merits of tunnel profiles, influence of surroundings on shape and size of tunnel, methods of tunnel openings, efficiency of tunnlling machines, stress studies of open tunnel, tunnel support types(immediate and permanent

MINE421 Mine Ventilation 03 Compulsory CHE301 CHE311 +

General introduction. Mine air quality control. Mine gases, dust and radiation: Sources, detection, suppression, physiological effects and permissible limits. Mine air conditioning: Heat and moisture, Sources, Psychrometry, Physiological reactions to climatic conditions. Mine ventilation: Airflow network, Circuit laws, Natural ventilation. Health and safety standards codes. Mine accidents, Emergency response and rescue plan. Application of computer programs to ventilation system

MINE423 Mine Economics 03 Compulsory GE127 MinE323 +

General introduction: Minerals contributions to economic development, economic minerals, resources, reserves, new supplies, research demands, consumption, recycling and depletion, ore reserve estimation and grades; mineral sales prices projection and NSR , concept of time value of money, interest rate, inflation, and cost indices, estimating cost of mine development and ore production operation, and smelter schedule, cash flow construction, time diagram, tax structure, and project viability, spreadsheet computer applications, introduction to sensitivity and statistical analysis and review initial feasibility reports

MINE427 Mine Safety 02 Compulsory +

Basics of safety in mines and quarries, toxic gases and methods of their prevention, safety equipments and devices, fire prevention, noise, radiation and its preventions, types of different hazards in mining, rocks and underground water.

MINE428 Mine Management 02 Compulsory +

Aim of management, planning (objectives and controls), policy selection and outlining procedures, forecasting future program and preparing budgets, setting production plans and time schedule, organization (chart design, job description, correlation, selection of directors), initiation (motivation, leadership, communication), control (selection of standard technique, performance evaluation, identification of problems and methods of solution),use a mining software & spreadsheets for mine planning, Management structure of a modern mining industry.

10th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
MINE495 Mining Seminar 01 Compulsory +

Presentation of newly published studies and research in the fields of mining engineering in the form of a scientific report prepared by the student and presented for discussion during the seminar in which students participate individually or in groups, as determined by the committee supervising the seminar from the faculty of the department.

MINE599 Project 04 Compulsory +

Preparing engineering designs based on the studies that have been conducted on taking the exposed sites of local raw materials and supporting it with an economic engineering report on all stages of operation, production, processing and numbers until the final marketing operations. It reflects the creativity of each student in the field of mining engineering

MINE488 Computer Applications 03 Compulsory GS200 +

Introduction, computer-based analysis of geosciences data-mine development planning to satisfy ventilation and transportation requirements, applications related to rock mechanics, surface mine, ore reserve calculations, mineral processing and environments subjects, specialized mining software.

MINE430 Mine Hydraulics 03 Compulsory MinE412 MinE422 +

Hydraulic fluids and emulsions used in mine machinery, pumps and motors, hydraulic coupling valves, tanks, filters and other components of hydraulic equipment, hydraulic circuits, above surface and remote control applications, examples and applications.

MINE429 Elective 02 Compulsory +

This course provides the student with an definition of mineral resources in terms of location, chemical analyzes and durability requirements. The student is also introduced to modern techniques in exploration and investigation. The student is also introduced to equipment tests, their performance, types of reserves and their determination, and general tests of rocks.

MINE422 Mine Machinery 03 Compulsory GE127 MinE412 +

A general review of material and mining ore handling, classification of mine plant and equipment, selection parameters of mine equipment,. ore transportation and handling system: trucks, belt conveyor, bucket elevators, open and closed chain, screw, shaker and vibratory conveyors, rope haulage system: monorails, main rope, main and tail rope, balance main rope, endless rope, balance endless and reversible endless rope haulage and Aerial ropeways, application of computer programs to ore handling system