Bachelor in Botany

University of Tripoli - Department of Botany



The Department of Botany offers an integrated study program to obtain a bachelor's degree. This program is designed to be sequential, coherent and flexible methodologically, with the opportunity for the student to choose a set of elective courses that suit his preferences and goals.


  • Raising the level of the graduate scientifically, whether by providing him with modern theoretical knowledge or practical skills, so that he finds a good opportunity to compete in the labor market, and performs well in it.
  • Keeping pace with scientific progress and its multiple applications and adapting them to serve the community through the continuous development and updating of the scientific and research program of the department.
  • Introducing modern scientific techniques to encourage scientific research and provide students with the necessary skills in this field.
  • Strengthening scientific ties in life sciences disciplines with local and international universities and scientific institutions, and conducting research that contributes to solving community problems at the local and regional levels.


After the student has completed studying the courses of the Botany Program, the graduate should be able to:

1. Proficiency in basic concepts in botany.

2. Awareness of the importance of all basic requirements for the study of botany.

3. The graduate should be able to develop himself to keep pace with recent technical developments in his field of specialization.

Certificate Rewarded

Bachelor's degree in Botany

Entry Reuirements

According to the Higher Education Regulation No. 501 of 2010

  • The student must have a secondary school certificate or its equivalent from the certificates recognized by government agencies.
  • To have obtained the college admission percentage.
  • To be a believer in the values ​​and orientations of society.
  • If the student applying for the study is a non-Libyan, then he is required to reside in Libya throughout the study period, and to pay the study expenses and the prescribed fees in accordance with the rules and regulations in force in the study.
  • Study Plan

    The Bachelor in Botany prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Botany. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

    It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 132 units, which include 8 units of general subjects, and 83 major units, 3 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

    Study plan for this program is shown below:

    1st Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    AR051 Arabic language 1 02 University requirement +

    Highlighting the beauty of the Arabic language and revealing the elements of originality and strength that are full of it, so that students increase their passion and interest in it.Close contact with our literary heritage and make students aware of its originality, diversity and comprehensiveness.Refine students' talents and develop their ability to understand the language, grammar, morphology and correct Arabic writing.Training students to write their scientific research, reports, and notes in correct writing, free of linguistic, stylistic, and spelling errors, and to facilitate the translation of many specialized texts.

    BO101 General Botany1 04 General +

    Students' knowledge of the basics and branches of botany.Achieving a level of awareness and responsibility of the importance of the subjects studied in scientific and practical terms.The student's knowledge of the importance of botany in human life and the labor market.

    ZO101 Zoology 1 04 General +

    • Find out what zoology contains from its science, branches and related sciences.• Familiarize the cell with its theories, organisms and types depending on its composition and functions and define the strategy of cellular metabolism.• Recognize cell division types and cell reproduction strategies based on genetic composition.• Distinguishing tissue types and their whereabouts in animals' bodies and the characteristics of each species

    MA111 Mathematics 1 03 General +

    • Recognizes the concepts, terms, principles and laws of this course.• Functions and properties are used in the study of applied models.• Connects ends, connectivity and derivation and demonstrates the uses of differential applications in life sciences.• The student discusses the different methods of calculating integration and its applications and explains the models of limited differences of the first degree

    EL.101 English Language 1 02 University requirement +

    English 101 are courses specially designed for students who choose to study at the faculty of Basic Sciences. The principle objectives for both courses is to enable students use English for scientific. They provide students with practice on sentence patterns, structural words as well as non-structural vocabulary which are common to all scientific branches. The material incorporated in these courses intend to give students a good opportunity to read scientific texts, do grammar exercises and work on scientific terminology.

    CH101 General Chemistry 1 04 Compulsory +

    This course aims to:- Providing the student with general information on intangible numbers and understanding the use of chemical units for different measured quantities.-Familiarity with the concept of the atom in terms of atomic structure and the application of the laws of the atom-Understand the periodic table and name the elements and chemical compounds- Introducing the student to understanding oxidation and reduction and weighing equations in different ways

    2nd Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    AR052 Arabic language 2 02 University requirement AR051 +

    Accustom the student to clear expressions of his ideas in pronunciation and writing and the good use of punctuation marks.Developing the student's literary taste so that he realizes the aesthetic aspects of speech styles, meanings and images.Develop the student's spelling and writing ability and skill so that he can write correctly in all respects.Identify the beauty of the Arabic language and literature, and that the student acquires the ability to study the branches of the Arabic language.

    ZO102 Zoology2 04 General ZO101 +

    Provide students with basic information on the different biological structures of organisms (both structural and functional) theoretical and practical. Provide students with basic information on the different biological structures of the human body's organs and compare them with other organisms (structurally and functionally for devices) Using the necessary tools in the lab from slides, microscopes and samples in laboratory lessons, using the scientific terminology of zoology. Use of the Internet in purely the scientific information of the rapporteur and writing reports or in scientific research

    MA112 Mathematics 2 03 General MA111 +

    • The student should recognize the function characteristics in more than one variable and draw in three dimensions.• The student uses partial differentiation methods in calculating some applications.• The student uses creative thinking and problem-solving methods in types of differential equations and methods of solving them.• Students learn about the basic concepts of vectors and matrices in two dimensions.

    CH102 General chemistry 2 03 Compulsory CH101 +

    This decision aims to:- Provide students with information on the ideal gases and real gases and familiarize themselves with the concept of changes in the article's cases.- Accommodate basic concepts of how to express concentration units of chemical solutions and the movement of chemical reactions.- Identifying students to understand chemical balance, acid and rules.- The student understands the meaning of dissolution and the balance of complex ions.

    BO102 General Botany 2 04 General BO101 +

    Introduction to algae science and its types and importance, The science, division, and importance of fungi.Identification of viruses and their life cycles.Knowledge of the general characteristics of Thallophta plants

    3rd Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    ST210 Biostatistics 03 University requirement +

    1.Streamlining statistical data with appropriate presentation to facilitate understanding and analysis.· 2. Express facts in a clear and accurate numerical manner rather than presenting them and expressing them in a constructive manner.Comparing different groups and finding a relationship between them.Statistical analysis and decision-making with a statement of degree of trust.

    BO201 Plant Anatomy 04 Compulsory +

    By the end of teaching the course, the student will be able to:Knowledge of this science and its importance and its branches and its upbringing and relationship to other sciences.Use this course to understand other plant sciences such as plant diseases, organ functions, environment and others.Take advantage of this science in working life such as food industry, fiber, wood etc.

    BO202 Principles of Genetics 03 Compulsory BO101 +

    Familiarizing the student with the basic concepts and terminology of genetics and its branches such as cytoplasmic and clan inheritance and its applications, knowledge of the genetic material, how all kinds of division occur in cells, knowledge of Mendelian laws and their applications, methods of interbreeding between individuals and determination of the phenotypes and genotypes of the resulting individuals. The student learns about the inheritance of blood types, the killer genes, the interactions of different genes, the superiority of the gene, and the theory of genetic analysis of the gene. The student distinguishes how to determine sex in different organisms and humans, and learns about the characteristics associated with sex in Drosophila and in humans, the genetic lineage record, and some genetic diseases associated with it.

    BO203 Phycology 03 Compulsory BO102 +

    identification the student with the types of algae and the basis of their classification.Familiarize students with the importance of algae in all respects.

    BO205 Plant Taxonomy1 03 Compulsory BO102 +

    The objective of the course is to develop acceptable laws and principles for describing, defining and naming all plant species.It aims to arrange the types of plants defined according to a specific taxonomic system that shows the links of lineage and kinship between them.Familiarity of the student with the organized record of plant groups, especially wild ones, in specific geographical locations or what is known as FloraEnable the student to find a conception of the evolutionary processes related to the origin and existence of plants.

    CH210 Analytical Chemistry Gravimetric and Volumetric Analysis 03 Compulsory CH102 +

    Theoretical foundations and principles related to quantitative gravimetric and volumetric analysis.•Types of chemical reactions used in quantitative gravimetric and volumetric analysis• Mathematical calculations related to quantitative gravimetric analysis, neutralization, and sedimentation titrations.• How to prepare and discuss the results based on the technique used in the analysis.• How to determine the appropriate method for analyzing samples quantitatively by gravimetric analysis or titration

    CH103 General Chemistry 2 Laboratory 03 Compulsory +

    • Identification of boiling acid cracks• Teaching the student, like the rest, to distinguish between the elements of the acid groups• Identification of boiling acid cracks• Teaching the student, like the rest, to distinguish between the elements of the basic groups

    4th Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    BO206 Comparative 04 Compulsory +

    The general objectives of the course are written in the form of the outcomes that the student is supposed to acquire after successfully completing the course. Interested in studying moss plants.Study of the plants you want.Know the patterns and survival strategies of plants in different environments.Study of seed plants.Study of gymnosperm plants.Study of plants covered with seeds.

    EL102 English language 2 02 University requirement EL101 +

    English are courses specially designed for students who choose to study at the faculty of Basic Sciences. The principle objectives for both courses is to enable students use English for scientific. They provide students with practice on sentence patterns, structural words as well as non-structural vocabulary which are common to all scientific branches. The material incorporated in these courses intend to give students a good opportunity to read scientific texts, do grammar exercises and work on scientific terminology.

    CH230 Organic chemistry 03 Compulsory CH101 +

    • Familiarize the student with aliphate and aromatic hydrocarbons and carbonyl compounds.• Study the body chemistry and explain its different concepts.• Give a general idea of properties and methods of preparation and interactions for aromatic compounds, alcohol, phenols, ethers, aldehydes, ketones and carboxylic acids

    CH215 Practical Analytical Chemistry 03 Compulsory +

    • Theoretical and practical foundations for conducting neutralization and sedimentation titrations.• Types of tools and evidence used in neutralization and sedimentation calibrations and how to use them.• How to prepare standard solutions and conduct neutralization and sedimentation titrations practically.• Mathematical calculations related to the results of neutralization and sedimentation calibrations.• How to write down the results, present them, discuss them and prepare reports.

    BO204 Plant physiology1 03 Compulsory BO102 +

    • Introduce the student to the contents of the plant cell, colloidal solutions, their types, the phenomenon of plasmolysis, osmotic potentials and their role in the cell.• . Introduce the student to the water relations within the plant, the process of transpiration and its importance, and the methods of transfer of water and nutrients from the soil to the tissues of the plant.

    5th Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    C230P Organic chemistry Practical 01 Compulsory CH101 CH102 +

    • Study the different techniques that the student needs to purify organic compounds.• Knowledge of how to calculate physical constants and methods of purifying various organic compounds.• Explanation of experiments and tests to identify functional groups commonly used in organic compounds.

    BO301 Physiology 2 03 Compulsory +

    This course aims to study the physiological role of elements, symptoms of their deficiency, resistance to various stresses, absorption and transport of elements within the plant

    CH234 Organic chemistry Practical 01 Compulsory CH101 +

    • Study the different techniques that the student needs to purify organic compounds.• Knowledge of how to calculate physical constants and methods of purifying various organic compounds.• Explanation of experiments and tests to identify functional groups commonly used in organic compounds.

    CH300 Biochemistry 03 Compulsory CH230 +

    • Knowledge of the composition and properties of amino acids, peptides, proteins, carbohydrates, fats and DNA• Knowledge of enzymes (classification, naming, applications), vitamins and enzymatic accompaniments• Know the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

    BO302 Cytology 03 Compulsory BO202 +

    The course aims to familiarize the student with the cell components in terms of shape and function as well as know the composition of different cells such as egg cell and fetal alchemical and biological componentsStudy different split processes such as lethal division and reductive divisionKnows vital changes such as mutations and how to define themGenetically Analyzed Plant

    BO303 Mycology 1 03 Compulsory BO102 +

    Identification and importance of fungiKnow the bases on which the fungus classification bases are builtKnow how to live and reproduce in fungiGive examples of life cycles in fungi

    BO304 Autecology 03 Compulsory BO102 BO204 +

    - The definition of integration between organisms through nutritional relationships.Demonstrate the impact of different environmental factors on the nature of the plant and train students in the use of devices and equipment To evaluate these factors.Clarify the implications of various human activities for the present and future of life on the planet.

    6th Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    C300P Biochemistry Piratical 01 Compulsory +

    · Understanding both fundamental and application of the instruments that are routinely used for the characterization of biomolecules. · Establish an understanding of the quantitative aspects of biomolecules analyses. · Develop basic practical biochemical skills for the handling and analysis of biomolecules. · Perform some biochemical analysis assays.

    BO305 Plant Taxonomy2 03 Compulsory BO205 +

    1.Familiarize the student with classification sources and extract information from the phenomenon, anatomy, cell, chemistry,.... etc.2 Give the student an idea of how to build the classification units.3 Theoretical attachment to the process continues through samples of floral plant representative factions.4 The student will eventually have a broad idea of floral plants and their properties, enabling him to build a stereotypical idea of each classification unit

    BO306 Plant physiology 3 03 Compulsory BO303 +

    The course describes photosynthesis interactions and dietary transformations of carbohydrates, proteins, and fatsDescribes the processes of decomposition and breakdown of carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids in the process of photorespiration to produce the energy needed for the biological processes in the plant cell

    BO307 General Microbiology 04 Compulsory BO102 +

    Knowledge of microbiology, its history, its branches and its relationship with other sciences.Knowledge of the accurate and comprehensive classification of bacteria and identification of microorganism physiology through growth, reproduction and growth factors, nutritional needs and nutrition by isolating and developing bacterial samples in the microbiology laboratory and microscopically examining them. Recognize viruses and some viral diseases and methods of resistance and immunity in the human body to these macrobiotic and understand the relationship between bacteria and antibiotics and the risk posed by bacterial resistance to antibiotics.

    CH355 Biochemistry Piratical 01 Compulsory +

    · Understanding both fundamental and application of the instruments that are routinely used for the characterization of biomolecules. · Establish an understanding of the quantitative aspects of biomolecules analyses. · Develop basic practical biochemical skills for the handling and analysis of biomolecules. · Perform some biochemical analysis assays.

    BO308 Marine algae 04 Compulsory BO203 +

    Definition of the student on the basics of marine algaeThe effect of light, heat, water movement on the growth and distribution of marine algaeStudent's acquisition of chemical agents on marine algae

    7th Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    BO401 Mycology 2 03 Compulsory BO303 +

    Student definition of how to grow in fungi.The student will be able to develop and isolate fungi in the labThe student will be able to understand the role of fungi in biodegradation

    BO402 Applied Microbiology 03 Compulsory BO307 +

    identification students with an introduction to applied microbes such as some useful microbes and some harmful pathogensAwareness of students and how to benefit from microbes, for example study biological control, i.e. the introduction of microbes in the treatment of many diseases.identification the student with the types of microbes in the air and methods of counting and how to purify the air and some diseases transmitted through the air.Teach students how to clean water and analyze drinking water and access to accessible water or in cultivation and modulator of water lichen with blood waste and diseases resulting from contaminated water.Pasteurization methods, sterilization in the preservation of milk, how to obtain milk derivatives by introducing microbes into manufacturing, as well as introducing microorganisms into the manufacture of foods/production of organic acids antibiotics, analysis of oil spots and petroleum in seafarers' waters, assisted by microbes.

    BO404 Synecology 03 Compulsory BO304 ST210 +

    Introduction to the science and areas of interest of the plant community environment (Synecology). plant community "; The size and growth of the plant group.Knowledge: Distribution of sources in the plant, patterns and strategies of plant survival in different environments.Knowledge: Factors influencing the distribution of plant species in the natural environment, reasons for the emergence of plant communities, specific relationships, species' plant distribution pattern, and energy efficiency.Identification of sample collection methods to assess the characteristics of plant communities, methods to class plant communities and methods to estimate and measure vegetation, preparation of environmental spreadsheetsTo identify the causes and types of plant succession, learn the bases of plant mingling using aerial and satellite imagery, remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS)

    BO405 Flora of Libya 04 Compulsory BO205 BO305 +

    The course aims to familiarize students with Libya's location, terrain and variation in plant areas.Give an idea of Libya's soil, climate and water sources from fresh, salty and hot water springs.Raising the student's awareness of the importance of the country's vegetation and the risks of surveying plant pieces, and that the uprooted tree is difficult to compensate.Give the student an idea of the plants in general and their classification and how to preserve them.Give an idea of endemic, extraneous and rare plants

    8th Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    BO403 Plant Physiology 4 03 Compulsory BO301 BO306 +

    Calculate plant growth and different plant parts..The impact of different phenomena on plant growth...Quarterly effects on growth.Different phenomena and effects on the plant

    BO406 Soil Microbiology 03 Compulsory BO307 +

    Establish a list of the main species of organisms in the soil and be aware of their classification based on modern classification criteria and discuss the positive and negative roles of microorganisms in the soil.Recognize the role of microbiology in the degradation of organic matter in soil. and discuss the microbial role in carbon and nitrogen cycles, phosphate, sulfur, and iron in soil. Understanding factors affecting the presence and activities of microbiology in different types of soil.Isolate and identify microorganisms that contribute to soil fertility such as: Isolation and definition of cellulose, starch, lignin and pectin analyzing citria Isolation and definition of nitrifying bacteria. Isolate and define nitrogen stabilization bacteria from root nodes.Describe the relationships between microorganisms in the soil and describe the overlap between the plant and microbiology, especially roots, mycoriza and nitrogen stabilization.Understanding and interpreting sources of raw materials on the diversity of soil microbiology aggregates. And realize how to prepare the form of a microbiological vaccine that is suitable for each crop. And listing the roles of lactic acid bacteria in silage processing.

    BO407 Plant pathology 03 Compulsory BO303 BO401 +

    Introducing the student with various plant diseases (bacterial-fungal-viral...... etc.)Draw the student's attention to the role of plant disease and its impact on human life.Teaching different methods of disease control and resistance

    BO408 Medical Mycology 03 Elective +

    1 Familiarize the student with the basic concepts of fungal pathology by reviewing certain fungal diseases.2 Teach students how to spread pathogenic fungi in nature and ways to prevent these fungi.3 Teach students fungi that cause fungal poisoning and ways to avoid fungal poisoning.4 The student's knowledge of the correct scientific methods for the purpose of avoiding aggression and developing fungal diseases.

    BO 499 02 Compulsory +

    · Train students in the methods and methodology of scientific research.· Training students in writing scientific research.· Familiarize the student with the bases of writing the research.· Doing practical applications through a practical research study