Master in Sports Science (Training)

Faculty of Physical and Sport Sciences {PESPS} - Department of Training



Recently, the world has been following all that is new in the field of sports training from research and study using information technology to support and develop the training process. Accordingly, knowledge of the scientific bases for planning, preparing, designing, and implementing training programs and units contributes to the development of sports performance through a unique combination of basic knowledge of sports science. The program will provide you with information to develop multiple approaches to enhance and maintain athletic performance, understand the techniques used to measure team and individual performance, draw on the expertise of industry insiders and critique scientific work in the discipline, and enable you to use your laboratory and field skills to conduct a multidisciplinary analysis of athletes' performance including symbolic systems, identification performance attributes, assessment of physiological determinants of performance and motion capture and study of key topics in high-growth employment fields such as sports biomechanics and performance analysis. Participating individually and in the community, or at the international and elite level, this course will give you the skills you need and deepen your knowledge of the physiology, psychology, performance analysis, and biomechanics of sport. In the Master of Coaching (Sports Science) program, you will learn the biomechanics, physiology, and psychology that support performance improvement. You will develop applied techniques, practical skills, and research experience that demonstrate how scientific support can be integrated into the world of top-level sport


Activating the scientific research movement in the field of physical education and sports sciences and creating a suitable environment for creativity and invention.

Developing and consolidating the base of science, knowledge, and Arab and Islamic civilizational values to serve the development and development of Libyan society.

Keep abreast of developments, international scientific and technical issues, and scientific problems facing society in the field of sports, and work to find solutions to them.

Preparing researchers and professors with a high level of technical and scientific capabilities who are scientifically qualified to become experts in their various fields of specialization to communicate with the corresponding scientific and research institutions internally and externally

Conducting research and studies in various fields of physical education and sports sciences in a way that contributes to community service


The intended learning outcomes of the program are as follows:

In the aspect of knowledge and understanding: the student is acquainted with the basic philosophical, educational, social, and psychological aspects of physical education and sports sciences. And applications of the principles and foundations of scientific research, methods of evaluation and measurement, and their relationship to other sciences. He also understands the principles and foundations of kinesiology and mechanics in the sports field, teaching strategies, and appropriate methods and methods to achieve educational goals, using modern technologies used in the field of sports training.

In the aspect of mental skills: the researcher should differentiate between the training programs and the methods and methods of their implementation, identify the difficulties and anticipate the challenges facing the training environment, and choose the most appropriate among the alternatives to solve them. Identifies difficulties and anticipates the challenges facing the training environment and chooses the most appropriate among the alternatives to solve them. It compares teaching, training, and evaluation methods to take into account individual differences among learners. Choosing the most suitable for various sports activities, as well as determining the modern technologies used in the field of training and scientific research.

In terms of practical and professional skills: the student should be able to design educational and training models in the sports field. And the implementation of training programs and units in the field of sports and the application of security and health safety measures in the educational and training environment. And the use of research results in the field of mathematics and other sciences and the link between theoretical mathematical sciences and applied sciences

In terms of general and transferable skills: the student should be able to manage time to make the most of the program. And the use of communication and communication skills in various sports sciences, as well as writing reports and notes and presenting them using modern electronic means of communication, and practicing teaching and self-learning in the sports field, in addition to leadership to achieve the desired goals.

Certificate Rewarded

Master's degree in sports sciences (Training)

Entry Reuirements

• The student should have a first university degree (bachelor's degree) or an equivalent certificate recognized by the Standing Committee for Equivalence of Academic Qualifications.• Students holding higher diplomas may be admitted on condition that they complete university courses (remedial or complementary) that are determined by the department as indicated in the regulations.• The applicant must have graduated from the university level (Bachelor's degree) for a period of not less than one academic year• Admission priority is given to teaching assistants who are candidates for postgraduate studies from universities and higher education institutions, according to the understanding of the scientific departments of the college, without burdening them with an admission exam and comparison.• Admission priority is given to students nominated from public agencies based on approved and valid agreements, and other than that from candidates from public agencies, they undergo admission and selection exams according to the procedures specified in the regulations.• Admission priority is given to (3) three top students in each scientific department of the college for the fall and spring semesters, without making them take the entrance exam and the comparison.• Foreign students may be accepted, and their admission procedures are subject to the agreements concluded between the university and regional or international institutions.• Submit proof of the employer's approval for the employees to devote themselves to study, partially or completely.• The student's passing the admission and preference exams in the scientific and linguistic study requirements specified in the regulations

Study Plan

The Master in Sports Science (Training) prepares students to qualify for Master in Sports Science (Training). The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 4 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 30 units, which include 10 units of general subjects, and 6 major units, 4 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
13-01-01-501-01 Philosophy of Physical Education 02 Compulsory +

13-01-01-502-01 Statistics in the sports field 02 Compulsory +

13-01-01-505-01 Psychology of Sports 02 Compulsory +

13-02-01-557-01 Kinesiology 02 Compulsory +

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
13-02-01-504-01 Research Methods 02 Compulsory +

13-02-01-529-01 Nutrition 02 Compulsory +

13-02-01-559-01 Biomechanics 02 Compulsory 13-02-01-557-01 +

Biomechanics is the application of mechanical principles to living organisms. Topics covered in the biomechanics course include: the study and analysis of the mechanics of living organisms, the application of engineering principles and their derivation from biological systems, the study of forces acting on the limbs (organs), the aerodynamics of the flight of insects and birds, fluid mechanics in fish swimming and working on a preliminary estimate to solve biomechanics problems. Modeling human performance and assessing the overall load of the musculoskeletal system during functional activities as well as preliminary methods for estimating forces in joints and muscles and assessing the endurance of human tissues under heavy-duty load conditions. These subjects deal with a variety of biological systems, ranging from single cells to all organisms.

13-03-01-538-01 Sport Psychology 02 Compulsory +

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
13-01-01-506-01 Tests and Measurement 02 Compulsory +

13-02-01-507-01 Seminar 02 Compulsory 13-02-01-504-01 +

13-02-01-550-01 Physical Fitness 02 Compulsory +

13-02-01-567-01 Sports Training 02 Compulsory +

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
13-02-01-556-01 Organization and management 02 Compulsory +

13-02-01-560-01 Kinetic Analysis 02 Compulsory 13-02-01-559-01 +

13-02-01-570-02 Sports Managements 02 Elective +