Digital Repository for Faculty of Information Technology

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انتصار منصور رمضان الاحول, ناهد فتحي محمد فرح, زهره عبدالله بركة الاشعل, نزيهة علي صالح صكح المصراتي (1-2019)
المجلة الدولية للعلوم و التقنية - ISTJ - International Science and Technology Journal, 16(0), الصفحات 6-5.
Ibrahim Almerhag, Ali Ganoun (6-2018)
Almadar Journal for Communications, Information Technology, and Applications, 5(1).
Dr. Mahmoud Geat Eljadid, Prof. Amar Aggoun, Dr. Osama Hassan Youssef (1-2018)
International Journal of Emerging Engineering Research and Technology, 6(12), pp. 1-13.
Dr. Mahmoud Geat Eljadid, Prof. Amar Aggoun (1-2018)
International Journal of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, 6(7), pp. 1-4.
Hala Shaari, Nuredin Ahmed (1-2018)
International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 8(1), pp. 7-10.
عبدالمنعم عمر الاسود (12-2017)
جامعة طرابلس, 2(2), الصفحات 13-22.
Azeddien M. Sllame (1-2017)
Open Access Library Journal (OALib Journal), Scientific Research Publishing, 2(2), pp. 1-22.
Azeddien M. Sllame, Hana Soso, Mona Aown, Lamya Abdelmajeed (9-2016)
International Journal of Wireless Communications and Network Technologies ( IJWCNT ), 5(5), pp. 52-59.