Digital Repository for Department of Mathematics

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عفاف احمد الجطلاوي (2014)
كلية العلوم - جامغة طرابلس, .
Muna Tabuni (8-2013)
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, .
Muna Tabuni (4-2013)
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, .
Muna Tabuni (2-2013)
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, .
زينب محمد أحمد معتوق (2013)
كلية العلوم - جامغة طرابلس, .
Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 6(2).
Khadiga Ali Arwini (4-2011)
The Third Conference on Mathematical Sciences, CMS’2011. Zarqa University-Jordan, , pp. 1-7.
Yousef Ali K Algadid (1-2011)
Mathematical reports, .