Bachelor in Geography

University of Tripoli - Department of Geography



Preparing scientifically and professionally specialized cadres in the field of geography by providing accredited academic programs that meet the requirements of the labor market and contribute to enriching scientific research


1. Developing intellectual awareness in line with scientific developments in the linguistic analysis of natural and human phenomena.2. Meeting the needs of society through scientific consultations and directing environmental research albums.3. Contribute to the scientific movement and research projects.


Labor market requirements of specialists in geographic information systems techniques and environmental studies. Contribute to the geographical scientific field and keep abreast of scientific developments in the field of geographical analysis of common natural and human phenomena, and link that to issues and needs.

Certificate Rewarded

Bachelor's degree in Geographical Geography, Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing.

Entry Reuirements

- The duration of study in the program is four years, with the possibility of obtaining a summer semester when needed.

2- The number of levels required for graduation is eight levels according to the study plan approved by the university

An academic level corresponding to one semester.

3- The student moves from his level to the next level if he successfully passes all the courses of that level according to the study plan.

Study Plan

The Bachelor in Geography prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Geography. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 136 units, which include 44 units of general subjects, and 88 major units, 4 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AR100 Arabic Language 1 02 General +

This course aims to familiarize the student with grammatical terms such as speech and what consists of it, as well as knowing the sections of the word (noun, verb, letter) and differentiating between them and understanding the expression and construction and knowing the usefulness of expression and knowing the six names, Muthanna, collecting Al-Madkar Al-Salem, the five verbs and collecting the feminine Al-Salem, the noun that does not go out, the present tense verb and its types, distinguishing between knowledge and denial, and understanding the types of knowledge.

IS100 02 General +

This course aims to introduce the student to the pillars of the Islamic religion and to indicate the need for it, and to know the concept of faith and Islam and their rooting, and to know the conditions of faith in terms of work and belief, and to know the Islamic sects in general, and the reasons for their origin, and to know the harm of exaggeration in religion and the prohibition of it, and to identify some of the jurisprudence of prayer, fasting, zakat and pilgrimage, to know the illuminations from the Prophet's biography, and the most important features of Islamic ethics and etiquette.


The course aims to know the basic concepts of the computer and clarify the basic applications and processes that help in office work and other fields, as well as linking the benefits provided by the computer in the scientific and practical lives of students


The course deals with the concept of education and its philosophy through a historical study of the development of various educational ideas and theories. It also deals with the concept of the philosophy of Islamic education, its philosophers and pioneers, as well as culture (its concept - characteristics - elements), socialization, and educational institutions.

GE110 Libya's physical geography 02 Compulsory +

The natural elements of any country are the first building blocks for making the history and civilization of this country, which interact with its human data to give the country its strength among other countries. Therefore, the student’s successful completion of the course makes him able to identify the concept of natural geography in general, as well as the geographical and astronomical borders of the Libyan state, and what this has achieved for the state His strengths and weaknesses, as well as his familiarity with the sequence of geological ages and their most important evidence on the Libyan land, in addition to his knowledge of the geomorphological manifestations on the surface of the land of our country, and the identification of the elements of the climate, the local water stock, the plant and animal life in Libya, in addition to the types of soils

GE111 The development of geographical thought 02 Compulsory +

graphical thought is one of the most important main topics for students of geography, given that it is a subject concerned with monitoring the nature, nature, nature, limits, and research of geography, in addition to revealing the relationship between it and various other sciences. This course is concerned with studying the stages of the development of geographical thought in the ancient, middle and modern times, the stages of geographical science and the movement of geographical discoveries, in addition to the schools of geographical thought

GE112 Physical geography 03 Compulsory +

Physical geography is one of the most important branches of geography, which is mainly divided into two main branches: physical geography and human geography. Acquaintance with the concept of natural geography and its relationship to other sciences, in addition to acquainting him with extensive information about the solar system in general, and the planet Earth in particular in terms of its daily and annual movement and its internal composition, and the most important features of the topography spread over its surface and the factors affecting its formation, in addition to studying its water envelope, which includes the distribution of water Its surface and types, its animal cover that includes plant and animal cover, its gaseous envelope that surrounds it, and identifying the most important constituent gases

GE114 human geography 03 Compulsory +

This course is concerned with the study and development of the science of human geography and its relationship with other sciences, its branches and schools, the relationship of man with the environment and the impact of each on the other, in addition to the study of the original habitat of man and human races, and the impact of natural and human geographical factors on the distribution of population, their density, their lifestyles, and the various economic activities they practice. And human urbanization and its types, and patterns of population migration and an explanation of its causes and results, and a study of the geographical components of the state, the major geographical regions, and the various environmental problems.


The course aims to introduce students to the nature of psychology, its history, branches, objectives, importance, schools, and curricula, as it aims to introduce students to the nature of motives, emotions, and higher mental processes, including sensation, attention, remembering, forgetting, intelligence, learning.

GE816 Area geography 02 Compulsory +

The study of this course includes a theoretical introduction to surveying, its concept, importance, history, and types, in addition to introducing surveying devices, units for measuring distances and obstacles, detailed surveying, methods for raising land details, as well as measuring angles and directions, lifting works, geodetic and photographic surveying, and methods for measuring ground levels. , and the establishment of longitudinal sectors and contour lines, and the work of the grid budget and the calculation of volumes, so the study of this course aims to give a simplified and clear idea of the foundations and principles of surveying, and to provide students with the skills of writing survey reports, and to enable them to deal with longitudinal measurement tools and tools for projecting columns in lifting operations Surveying, and the use of devices for measuring and calculating levels, and creating contour lines and drawing their maps.

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ST210 Principles of Statistics 02 General +

Descriptive statistics aims to describe, organize, classify, summarize and display a set of data in a clear manner in the form of tables or graphic figures and calculate various statistical measures to describe a variable (or more) in a given population

MM112 GENERAL MATHEMATICS 2 03 Compulsory MM111 +

After the student succeeds in the course, he will be able to know the meaning of integration, its laws and rules in detail, and analyze all issues related to definite integration and Riemann integration easily. He can also clearly link between the subjects of the course and the previously studied subjects, Sport 1. Realizing the importance of this course because many courses depend on it. Know the difference between definite integration and indefinite integration. And that he can solve most of the problems on integration applications correctly


This course aims to give the learner a theoretical idea of the nature and concept of teaching, and to identify the most important standards and basic principles of the process of good teaching, and the most important characteristics of a good teacher and the dimensions of his personality, and also aims to provide the learner with the most important general principles of teaching strategies and what should be taken into account during their application, and to identify the most important modern trends in teaching materials and how to evaluate the results of learning for students, and prepare learners to do teaching.


The course aims to identify the history and development of evolutionary psychology and the purpose of studying it and the importance, the laws and general principles of growth, growth theories and their relationship to the learning process, research methods in the study of human growth, factors affecting growth, stages of growth and their characteristics and requirements.

GE213 structure and topography 02 Compulsory GE112 +

This course is considered a branch of physical geography, and it is concerned with studying the forms of the earth’s surface, as it focuses on its origin, development, shape, and distribution. Therefore, when the student successfully passes this course, he becomes able to know the external and internal forces affecting the formation of the earth’s surface, its composition, and its covers, and to have knowledge and understanding of the terrain forms Different types of rocks and their economic importance

GE211 population geography 02 Compulsory +

Knows the concept of population geography, its development, and its most important branches. Studying the relationship between geography and population. To compare the sources that help the geographer in obtaining information about the population. The student’s awareness of the demographic structure. Analyzing the population distribution and the extent to which it is affected by the distribution of natural and human phenomena. To propose solutions to the population and environmental problems facing humans, such as water depletion, garbage accumulation, random construction, and infrastructure collapse. Enable the student to draw geographical population maps

AR101 Arabic Language 2 02 General AR100 +

This course aims to familiarize the student with grammatical and spelling terms: such as the nominal sentence, and familiarity with everything related to the transcriber: Kan and her sisters, Wan and her sisters, Think and her sisters, and Kad and her sisters, and what each of them does when entering the sentence, and to know the expression of each word in the sentence, and to know the open Taa positions, and the linked Taa.


The course aims to complete the basic concepts of the computer and give the student all the possibilities offered by the computer in all fields, as well as clarifying the basic applications and operations that help in office work and other fields, and linking the benefits provided by the computer in the scientific and practical life of students

EL100 02 General +

This course aims to help students understand and use familiar and everyday expressions, and interact in English.

GE204 Geographical statistics 02 Compulsory +

Descriptive statistics aims to describe, organize, classify, summarize and display a set of data in a clear manner in the form of tables or graphic figures and calculate various statistical measures to describe a variable (or more) in a given population.Educational outcomes:By studying this course, the student will be able to design frequency tables in various fields of geography, master the application of measures of central tendency, and will be able to distinguish between geographical statistical methods, and be able to use them in the geographical study; To reach scientific conclusions comparable and test.

GE210 Human Geography of Libya 02 Compulsory GE110 +

The natural and human geography has an impact on the place and the population. The phenomena of the natural environment such as location, topography, climate and human resources constitute the general geographical framework of the state. Therefore, the study of the course aims to introduce the student to the demographic structure in Libya and its history, as well as to identify the colonial eras that took place in our country and their most important causes and motives, in addition to Study the factors influencing the distribution of the population, and to familiarize themselves with the most important economic activities of the population such as (agriculture - industry - trade - in addition to some crafts) touching on knowing their importance to the national economy, and to study some of the population problems facing our Libyan cities such as unemployment and the inefficiency of some services in them

GE212 General maps 03 Compulsory +

The map is one of the most important tools of the geographer, and the understanding of the concept of general map geography and the most important methods of searching in it. The student knows the means of drawing maps, how to measure them, and the stages of their development. The student also realizes through them the types of maps, the distribution of natural and human phenomena, and how to distribute drawing scales on them

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
GE413 Water geography 02 Compulsory +

Water geography is concerned with studying the earth’s water cover, rain systems, and the geographical distribution of rivers at the level of the world’s continents, in addition to their uses for transportation, irrigation, hunting, and electric power generation. It also studies lakes in terms of their origin, characteristics, distribution in the world, and human uses of them. Such as springs, hot fountains, and wells, and the study of sea and ocean waters in terms of the emergence of oceanic basins, their topography, the characteristics of their waters, their movement, as well as their various uses and their reflection on humans and the environment. This course is also concerned with studying water bodies in all their forms and types in the Arab world in general and Libya in particular

AR213 Arabic Language 3 02 General AR101 +

The course aims to be able to acquire language abilities, by identifying a number of terms, rules and grammatical functions, so he recognizes the actual sentence, the subject, the deputy subject, the transitive verb, the necessary verb, the object, the absolute effect, the object for it, the object in it, the object with it, the exception and its pillars, the situation, discrimination, and the soft alif.

IS101 02 General IS100 +

This course aims to introduce the student to the importance of Islamic legislation in deriving rulings and understanding Sharia and its consequences, and introducing the sources of Islamic legislation, the "Holy Qur'an", its collection, copies and connotations, and the "Sunnah of the Prophet" its authenticity, divisions and its relationship with the Holy Qur'an, and "consensus" its conditions and authenticity, and "measurement" its conditions, examples and authenticity, and knowing the praiseworthy ijtihad and blameworthy ijtihad and differentiating between them, and introducing the "sent interests", its conditions, authenticity and examples.


Definition of the course of educational science, good education, its concept, origin, historical development, historical value, importance, curricula, and identify the concept of good appearance and its conditions, and also know well its theories and measurement, attention and theories.


The course aims to enable the learner to distinguish between the traditional and modern trends of the concept of the curriculum, and to introduce him to the elements of the curriculum and introduce him to the elements of the curriculum as a system and the teacher's role in it, as well as the foundations on which the curriculum is based in the different stages of education, and to introduce the learner to some methodological organizations, and the course also aims to introduce the learner to how to develop the curriculum system, and the steps of development and considerations to be taken into account when developing the educational curriculum system and training him to deal with the curriculum of the education stage, and evaluate and adapt it so that Commensurate with the needs of learners and the needs of their community.

GE310 Geography of the Arab world 02 Compulsory +

The Arab world is a geopolitical term applied to a geographical area with a common history, language and culture. It extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the west to the Arabian Sea and the Arabian Gulf in the east. It includes all the countries that join the League of Arab States in West Asia, North Africa and East. The course explains the following concepts: (Geographical location, area, geological structure, surface features, population characteristics and geographical features of the region, strategic importance in the Arab world, knowledge of the multiplicity of climatic and vegetation regions and their distribution on the map

GE311 geographical research methods 03 Compulsory +

For several decades, scientific and research circles, especially universities and educational institutions of all levels, have become very interested in providing well-studied works, programs and plans, and are based on research foundations and firm rules, according to what was stated in the theories put forward by scholars of scientific research methods, especially in Europe, which come as an extension of ideas and destinations. A previous look when some thinkers called for using the descriptive, deductive, inductive, objective, empirical, and other approaches.

GE312 Agricultural geography 02 Compulsory +

Agricultural geography is one of the branches of economic geography, and it is defined as that geographical branch that is concerned with studying the geographical conditions that affect agricultural activity, its distribution on the surface of the earth, and the analysis of spatial changes in it. In this course, the student studies the concept of agricultural geography, its development, agricultural patterns and factors influencing it, and endemism theories Agricultural and models of agricultural crops in the world in general, and Libya in particular, the global food situation, food security, agricultural settlement in terms of geography, geographical theories related to settlement, uses of agricultural lands, and the classification of the main urban areas in agricultural reclamation areas

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
GE412 Interpretation of aerial photographs 03 Compulsory GE212 +

The course includes the concept of aerial photographs and remote sensing, the shift and development taking place in the world today. The course explains the types and components of aerial photographs and their importance and uses in spatial studies. Learn about satellites and their types, how to use satellite visuals in studying different environments, explain satellite visuals, their types and characteristics, and how to use remote sensing techniques to extract maps from satellite visuals in spatial analysis, by training the student to apply this technique through this course

AR216 Arabic Language 4 02 General AR213 +

This course aims through its vocabulary to the student's effort to understand and realize the meaning of subordinates in grammar by studying the topics of participles, conjunctions, emphasis and allowance and related provisions in terms of matching the subordinate to the followed semantically and syntactically, as well as the student's understanding of the topics of grammatical methods and differentiating between them and the way they are expressed and supporting all of this with applied examples in addition to understanding the spelling rules established as punctuation marks and applying them through prose texts that are given during the lecture.


The course aims to understand the historical development of knowledge, develop their abilities to think scientifically, and enable them to use the scientific method in solving problems, and also aims to understand students of the types of research in educational and psychological sciences and how to apply, also provide them with the ability to understand the results of research and benefit from them and train them on how to choose research topics and how to formulate the problem, questions, objectives and importance and choose the appropriate statistical methods to process pure data and how to use data collection tools in educational research, It humiliates them to write graduation projects according to a scientific methodology.

EL101 02 General EL100 +

Direct students to develop their communication and grammar skills. Understand sentences and frequency used expression and question questions related (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment).

GE410 Geography of Africa 03 Compulsory GE310 +

The continent of Africa is the second largest of the seven continents of the world in terms of areas and population, with a different natural diversity and a different demographic character. Human factors of the continent of Africa and related to the population in terms of their distribution, density and composition and the factors influencing the distribution, whether they are natural, which comes on top of the surface forms, climate elements and water resources, in addition to human factors, especially the availability of services in regions without others in the continent and their economic activities through which the student learns about the natural resources Which makes it unique with enormous economic power in the world, as well as knowing the economic activities of its various peoples, such as agriculture, industry, etc., in addition to his regional study of one of the countries of the continent as an applied example

GE411 Environmental Pollution 02 Compulsory +

It is one of the courses that touch on the life of humanity, where the alarm sounds about the problems that are facing the environment, at a time when pollution has increased dramatically and has become widespread in a way that hardly any element of the natural elements, nor any developed or underdeveloped country, has increased, so the danger has increased, so the aim of this course is to Enhancing environmental awareness among students with the aim of human safety, preserving natural resources and making good use of them, and alerting them to the dangers that threaten the environment by studying the following concepts: Pesticides, lunch pollution, radioactive pollution, hazardous waste, noise pollution, the concept of environmental awareness

GE414 Industrial geography 02 Compulsory +

Industrial geography is that branch of geography that is concerned with studying the geographical distribution of industry, the local and regional distribution, the geographical components that led to this distribution, and the attempt to plan for the future of this distribution based on the components of industrial settlement, where industrial geography works to localize and consolidate industries in specific places, and for this The matter is positive that helps in the prosperity of the industry in those areas, including the growth of a workforce specialized in those industries, which becomes a fertile focus for the production of such a workforce, and also when industries are concentrated in a place, financial institutions work to provide their banking services to that region and also work to encourage the availability of other industries The assistance is for her because she is aware of her need for it, and thus the region becomes an industrial gathering that works to protect the rights of manufacturers, and there are disadvantages of concentrating industries in certain geographical areas that may be summarized in that the place has become the sole producer and distributor of this service or commodity, and therefore the security and safety of that region has become linked to the availability of this service from Or not, and also if this industry suffers from stagnation or recession, this affects the entire region and the large numbers of the powers that be. to work in it.

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
GE511 Special teaching methods 02 Compulsory GS201 +

Lesson planning steps with high efficiency through concepts related to the teaching of geographical sciences, emphasizing the purpose of including this course is for the learner to identify appropriate teaching methods for geography, and for the learner to know the characteristics and duties of the teacher, and to plan the lesson in terms of its nature, importance, elements, stages, and application in a manner Practical by preparing the lesson and using educational tools and activities for each geographical subject. During this, some teaching problems and situations that may face the teacher and means of treatment are clarified. The student is also shown some teaching models in his field of specialization in order to be able to take responsibility in teaching. And to have positive attitudes towards active participation in all aspects of the educational process and to adhere to the teacher's ethics in his field of specialization


The course aims to familiarize the student with the basic concepts in the field of educational evaluation, its importance, characteristics, types, how to build a table of specifications, familiarity with the concepts and scientific foundations of tests, their types, methods of preparation, defects and advantages, and their use in educational measurement and evaluation.

GE513 Behavioral geography 02 Compulsory +

Behavioral geography is one of the branches of human geography that studies the behavior and actions of individuals in societies within a specific geographical area. Interest in it emerged in the sixties of the last century as a result of the influence of geography on behavioral theories in psychology. It is defined as a historical movement with multidisciplinary orientations associated with a number of concepts such as environmental awareness. Behavioral and cognitive geography, cognitive geography, image geography, and other concepts that are abundant in behavioral sciences. Therefore, the study of this course includes several topics, including the concept of behavioral geography, its methods, behavioral theories, similarities and differences between it and human geography, the development of behavioral thought in geography, and the relationship between behavioral geography. environmental psychology and other topics.

GE514 geographical terms 02 Compulsory +

The aim of studying this course is to provide students with the ability to read and understand geographical texts in English, and the ability to translate the meanings of geographical terms contained therein into Arabic, in addition to encouraging them to learn languages, especially English, as it is more widely used at the global level, and to enable them to read Some geographical texts and terms and their correct pronunciation, in addition to understanding their meanings and thus the ability to translate them, taking into account those terms of one Latin origin. With as much geographical terms as possible, it will be easier for him to continue his postgraduate studies to obtain master's and doctoral degrees

GE817 Biogeography 02 Compulsory +

Biogeography is a branch of physical geography, and it is one of the sciences that developed in the twentieth century. The aim of studying biogeography is to understand what is being studied about plants, animals, soils, and humans, and to know its impact on the elements of the biosphere, and to realize the resulting disturbances in the natural environmental balance. . The study of the biosphere with its various components and its importance to the planet Earth increases students’ knowledge of ways to preserve this cover and its various components, knowledge of the factors affecting the distribution of plant and animal organisms, focus on the study of soil, its distribution and the problems it encounters, the study of plants, their distribution and forms, animals, humans and the cycle of pollution The natural environment, in addition to the study of biodiversity and the methods of environmental adaptation of living organisms

GE613 Geographic information systems 03 Compulsory GE212 +

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are systems that create, manage, analyze, and map all types of data. Geographic Information Systems link data to a map, and integrate location data (where things are located) with all types of descriptive information. This course explains the following concepts: Provide the student with information about a concept Geographic information systems (GIS), their importance, practical uses, data analysis methods, and the most important programs and systems used.

6th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
GE612 climatic geography 03 Compulsory +

Climatic geography is one of the branches of natural geography that studies the gaseous envelope, climate elements and their impact on humans, animals and plants. Therefore, the study of this course is one of the most important geographic materials that are actually relevant in determining the geographic character on the various environments of the world. By studying and understanding it properly, a geographer can Interpretation of all the geographical aspects that he deals with, because the climate operates in nature since its creation and without stopping, influencing the nature of public life on various environments, whether it is a plant, animal or microscopic environment, and with the development that has taken place in the means of surveying climate and weather, it has become possible to measure and study the state of the climate For long periods of time this would achieve the following: • Studying the state of the climate helps countries take the necessary measures and precautions to face any obstacles or natural phenomena to reduce their risks. • The study of the state of the climate contributes to identifying the state of the atmosphere for long periods of time, which enables countries to conduct their affairs. • Contributes to the development of structures and appropriate infrastructure for the population and the creation of the necessary living conditions

GE512 distribution maps 03 Compulsory GE410 +

The map is one of the most important tools of the geographer, and it is the language in which he expresses his thoughts and presents them to others in an understandable and expressive manner. Looking at a graph or a map of distributions can dispense the reader the need to study the texts and numbers contained in the statistical tables. Distribution maps are the means most used by those interested due to their special importance in being the tool through which most spatial information can be distributed. Distribution maps are a set of maps that show data with a spatial (geographical) background. This data may be of a numeric, qualitative or quantitative phenomenon and we represent it. With symbols or colors, and it varies according to the map according to the topic and the tools of representation. The course aims to train students to choose appropriate symbols for geographical phenomena, design and produce maps using approved symbols, and according to the sizes, lengths and thickness of symbols to represent quantitative data, and on shading methods and linear, point and area representation


The course aims to provide the student with the most important knowledge in the field of school administration in theory and practice by studying the concept of school administration, its origin, development and its relationship with the public, educational, educational and classroom administration, and to identify the importance of school administration and its role in organizing and coordinating technical and administrative work in the school, as well as identifying the tasks and skills of the school principal and his features and the difficulties he faces in performing his work and the tasks of his employees, in addition to studying realistic cases in school administration to link the theoretical side in practice.

GS303 TEACHING AIDS 02 General +

This course examines the student's familiarity with the concept, importance, stages, elements and means of communication and their role in the educational process, the concept of the educational method, its types and classifications, the foundations of its preparation, advantages and disadvantages, methods of selection, production and use while taking advantage of the possibilities of the local environment.

GE610 Political geography 02 Compulsory +

The course of political geography is an original branch of human geography, which is concerned with studying the place (location) and its relationship to the political and economic power of the state, as well as studying the political developments of countries through geography curricula. The state and the stages of its political emergence on the political map of the world, in addition to identifying the components of the state’s power (natural, human and economic). The student also studies realistic models of some political problems such as the problems of landlocked countries and economic and human problems, and deals with the study of some models of global powers.

GE611 Transport geography 02 Compulsory +

Transport geography is that branch of geography that is concerned with the study of the geographical distribution of roads and their relationship to geography in terms of distribution and the economic, political and social effects of transport in addition to the role of means of transport in benefiting from the natural and human resources enjoyed by countries. And to identify the most important roads and paths followed by means of transport between continents .

GE818 Tourist geography 02 Compulsory +

Tourism geography is one of the branches of contemporary human geography that is concerned with studying the development of tourism movement and the factors affecting it, the distribution of tourism demand and supply areas on the world map, the geographical factors affecting the movement of transport, and the geographical motives for tourism and travel. The study of this course includes an overview of the geography of tourism and its concept, types and factors. Influencing it and its future prospects, and aims to provide students with knowledge and skills in how society can benefit from the existing tourism potentials, whether natural or human.

7th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
GE711 Geography of the world except Africa 03 Compulsory +

Teaching this subject is one of the important principles in the study of geography, through which the recipient can understand the distribution of land and water in various parts of the globe, as well as the location and size of each continent, the widths within which it is located, and the water bodies surrounding and affecting it, in addition to the strategy of that location and the extent of Its impact on the economic and political map of the world, so that it builds an integrated picture of the world’s geography in terms of shape, location, climate, surface features, population distribution, and the various economic wealth that exist in each continent. Therefore, the student’s success in studying this course makes him able to have a general idea of the characteristics Natural and human, and to determine on the world map the distribution of climatic and vegetation regions

GE700 Graduation Project1 02 Compulsory +

This course deals with the steps that the student who is about to graduate must take by training him on the steps of preparing a graduation project, which represents a specific idea that provides a solution or service to society in the geographical field. It also deals with the methods of using the techniques that the student learned during his study period, as it is considered a summary of these years. It also measures the student's capabilities by finding solutions using one of the existing modern technologies. This course aims to apply and implement the knowledge and skills acquired by the student during his study of the specialized courses previous to his project, by implementing an innovative idea within a work team, until the completion of the project in its final form, provided that the subject of the project is linked to community issues in all geographical and educational fields related to geography.

GE710 Economic development 02 Compulsory +

The geography of economic development is considered a branch of human geography. The aim of its study is to define the concept of economic development, its development and its methods, and to clarify methods of measuring and presenting data that can be applied in knowing the fields of development, understanding the characteristics of economic development and realizing the resulting disturbances. Studying the goals of economic development helps to develop the ability to understand economic and environmental issues and the relationship between them by clarifying development strategies.

GS401 02 General GS302 +

This course examines in a brief historical overview of mental health and the development of the concept of mental health and its relationship with other sciences, as well as looking for psychological compatibility and the most important magazines of psychological compatibility and its relationship to achievement, and deals with psychological needs and means of defending them, and searches for some neurotic mental illnesses, including anxiety, schizophrenia, obsessiveness, and depression, and deals with general concepts of psychotherapy and methods of psychotherapy, and mental health theories, as well as models of mental problems and disorders.

GS402 TEACHING PRACTICE 1 02 General +

Practical education is a prerequisite in the process of preparing and training the teacher in teaching situations through micro-teaching through lectures, the actual application of observation, observation, and direct interaction.

GE810 Geography of environments 02 Elective +

Overview : The environment is a web of complex interactions that occur between all components of the natural environment, from living organisms, which make up the so-called life bond ( human, animal, plant ) and the determination of regions and their geographical distribution، The aim of studying the geography of environments as a course adjacent to a person living in, from and around him, and by studying it a teacher is prepared who is able to draw the attention of students to this delicate and conservative component. This course addresses the following concepts: - ( Environment, Ecosystem, Environmental Balance, Geographical Location, Climate, Landscape, Human Environment, Territories, Agricultural Environment, Industrial Environment, Natural Environmental Hazards, Human Environmental Notifications .

GE713 Urban geography 02 Compulsory +

The geography of urbanization is one of the most important branches of human geography, which is clearly affected by the geographical environment, human culture, and population. Geographical factors such as location, climate, surface features, and soil type are among the most important factors of the urban trend and its density, in addition to the shapes and materials of building and its external colors. And the corresponding human impact represented in the societal and religious culture and the existing human activity in addition to the size of ownership and the prevailing pattern of urbanization within the major cities, whether urban or rural, and through the above, the study of this course aims to reach the scientific explanations for the study of urbanization in all its aspects represented by The extent to which urbanization is affected by various natural factors in terms of its shape, size, direction, and building material, as well as human factors and scientific development have a very important impact on the direct impact on the urban situation on a large scale, as science and technology were exploited in the development of urbanization and minimizing the impact of the natural factor on it

GE712 Geography of seas and oceans 02 Compulsory +

Teaching this course aims to provide the student with knowledge of the fields of geography of seas and oceans and their fields and their connection with other sciences, understanding the basic concepts of marine and ocean science, studying the characteristics of the distribution of land and water on the surface of the earth, defining the boundaries of the habitats of seas and oceans and their general characteristics, and the theories that explained the emergence of seas and oceans, and the origin of sea water Oceans and their natural and chemical characteristics, tidal movement, sea waves, ocean currents and water masses, and a study of sea and ocean water pollution.

8th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
GE815 Graduation project 2 02 Compulsory GE700 +

This course deals with the steps that the student who is about to graduate must take by training him on the steps of preparing a graduation project, which represents a specific idea that provides a solution or service to society in the geographical field. It also deals with the methods of using the techniques that the student learned during his study period, as it is considered a summary of these years. It also measures the student's capabilities by finding solutions using one of the existing modern technologies. This course aims to apply and implement the knowledge and skills acquired by the student during his study of the specialized courses previous to his project, by implementing an innovative idea within a work team, until the completion of the project in its final form, provided that the subject of the project is linked to community issues in all geographical and educational fields related to geography

GE814 Geography of natural resources 03 Compulsory GE112 +

This course includes a comprehensive study of the most important non-renewable energy sources represented in coal, oil, natural gas and minerals .... It includes an overview of old energy sources and an explanation of the importance and necessity of searching for alternatives to fossil energy, as well as studying renewable energy sources (clean) solar energy, wind energy And the tides. Which makes the personality of the future teacher a personality with extensive experience on energy sources and it is possible to solve any problem facing his country, so do not progress without making the best use of all the resources of the state. And also explain any information contained in the textbook as a result of the prior culture of this course. educational outcomes The student will acquire knowledge and skills after passing this course, which are

GE813 regional planning 02 Compulsory +

The importance of regional planning is highlighted because it facilitates directing the plan and controlling its implementation or following it up. The regional plan gives the most appropriate framework within which it is possible to achieve the highest rates of development. Therefore, the success of the student in this course makes him able to identify the concept of regional planning, its importance, types, and its relationship to other sciences in addition to His familiarity with the factors influencing planning, sensing the absence of some planning points in some countries, and he studies practical planning problems in Libya

GE812 MEDICAL GEOGREPHY 02 Compulsory +

The aim of including this course is to highlight the role of the geographical student and his relationship to the environment and who has been studying diseases, because the study of health and disease specifically concerns doctors, workers and assistants, but from the point of view of geographers, there is a need to expand the study from the scope of the human body to the social and environmental content that directly and indirectly affects human health, here we find that geography has the primary role in terms of the environment and human interaction in terms of geographical interpretations of the emergence of the disease And its spread, there are certain diseases in specific environments where they provide the appropriate climate for them, schistosomiasis is found where stagnant water, malaria in the tropical environment hot humid, and Mediterranean fever, and it is confirmed the fact that a disease is largely associated with a specific area characterized by specific environmental conditions. Medical geography asserts that it is the science that is concerned with the search for geographical explanations for the emergence of diseases. Thus, they represent the link between the social sciences on the one hand and the biomedical sciences on the other, so that they serve each other, without either of them going beyond the limits of its specialization. It is a vivid and tangible application of geographical approaches and methods in the study of health, disease and health care systems

GS403 Practical education 2 02 General GS402 +

Practical education is a basic requirement in the process of preparing and training the teacher in teaching situations through mini-teaching through lectures, the actual application of observation and observation, and direct interaction.

GE811 Geography of services 02 Compulsory GE713 +

The geography of services is a branch of human geography that is special and distinguished by studying the spatial differences in the size of the needs for services and the demand for them in the city and the degree of their provision according to the needs of the population. , gas stations ... etc.) with an explanation of their geographical distribution within cities and the extent of their impact on regional development. Among the most important topics that the geography of services is discussed in, we mention the following:• Research methodology in the geography of services and the technical methods used in them.• Searching for the nature of the service and defining the service sector and its branches.• Evolution of service activities and their relationship to population distribution and other functions.Distribution and classification of service activities.• Localization of service activities and components and forms of localization.• Theories and models related to the interpretation of the spatial arrangements of service activities. • Planning and design rates for services.

Elective Subjects

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
03 not defined MM111 +